MIL Round-Up

What better way to start the day then a murph?

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pullups
  • 200 mericans
  • 300 squats
  • 1 mile run

Mary: Can Opener, Low Flutter, Box Cutter, LBC, WWII Situps, Dancing Bear


  • Just as the gut has microbes, the skin has infinitely more and even more diverse.  The skin is constantly exposed to the outside world as well as varying oily, moist, and dry environments.  The good microbes have to be encouraged, while the bad repressed, cultivating the popularity of probiotics, yogurts, and kombucha.  Additionally, there has been shown correlations for non-c-section baby’s getting the leg up on good skin microbes from mom during delivery.  Awesome science and education laden discussion, but we still managed to end up in the gutter.
  • Maltipoo is a dog.  Multipoo is relief. 
  • Monstanto’s Round-Up is the most potent chemical available to consumers.  The current on-the-shelf form is diluted to several parts per million just to prevent immediate death.  Round-Up has mathematical and actuarial implications from taking fractional number to whole number.  Round-Up also provides imagery of stetson adorned cowboys or military leaders gathering the fold.  Welcome Round-Up.  FNG no longer!
  • Good luck to the Charlotte Marathoners!  All the hard work will pay off.
  • Always an honor to lead fine men!