25 pax joined in for the PopTart VQ #LKNBRR friendly beatdown.  Special thanks to Cooter with some hints on the MQ's love of crab walks and bear crawls. 

Nice to have Gypsy join in on a late start Standard.  Good company, even though I learned he was a Clemson fan…so lots of game talk.  Go Wolfpack !

Quick circle up and disclaimer…again, I've never written a BB either.  So you're warned.


20 x SSH

20 x Toy Soldier

20 x peanut picker (Eastern NC boy…we grow peanuts)

20 x IST

Elbow plank then up to hands for 20 Peter Parkers



Mosey to soccer field and Partner up

25 sit-ups with partner plank while holding feet – Then flap jack


1) First partner does crab walk the width of the soccer field while second partner starts pullups.   Flap jack and continue until 50 cumulative pullups are achieved.  Early finishers plank until pax finished.

2) Repeat crab walks and Flap jack until 100 cumulative squats OR merkins are achieved (options for the LKNBRR runners…Smokey chose squats.  Beast).  Early finishers flap jack squats or merkins until pax finished

3) Repeat crab walks and Flap jack until 200 cumulative double count low flutter achieved (Swing State chose to quadruple count).  Early finishers plank until pax finished.

Mosey to soccer goal

Bear crawl the length of the soccer field

10 count

Bear crawl back the length of the soccer field


Had to pull an audible…didn't think we have enough cinder blocks (CB) for everyone, so we went back to partners.

Hopefully everyone completed while their partners did pull-ups or merkins

20 CB curls

20 CB right arm lawnmowers

20 CB left arm lawnmowers

20 CB shoulder press

20 CB press


Mosey back to soccer field

Partner wheelbarrow "race" the length of the soccer field – then flap jack and return

Mosey around parking lot and circle up



GB Mary Go-Round

Some LBC's, dead cockroach, low flutter, way too many mason twists, there was more…but I was out of breath and my memory is fading.



  • Thanks to everyone for the support and coming out for my VQ.  Everyone pushed themselves hard this morning.  Outstanding work, and an absolute pleasure to lead today !

  • Huge thanks to Lego for the EH (over a year ago).  F3 has been a huge part of my life since my first post, and I have been able to achieve things that I couldn’t have done on my own. Shout out to the GB's for the support this morning…I can't wait to getting stronger and faster with y'all.  I'm amazed at what you guys do in all 3 F's. 

  • There are so many other folks I'd like to thank, the list is long.  Ramrod for always reminding me at LFC that I need to hit more beatdowns.  The Birkdale crew, Binary, Swing State, Eeyore & others. It's awesome to run into pax every time I leave the house.

  • I missed announcements while grabbing my phone.  Dec 2nd is an Arnies workday to finally put up the monkey bars.  Ramrod announced an NC Mountain Heavy on April 27th, 2018…announcement has been tweeted.

  • Thanks to Auto for the opportunity to lead.


