Fun Run

Event Date

Nov 09, 2017


9 men rolled out to a cool and mildly wet SVU Thursday standard. Since all our blocks are heavier soaked in H2O,  might as well take advantage.    


20 SSH

10 Merkins

10 Squats (7 PAX becomes 8)

10 SSH  (8 PAX becomes 9)

10 SSH


The Plan:  Cement Cross  

Everyone grab a 32# block and run to top of LBH

Run w/ Block down each intersection street

25 Burpees at end of each street

10 Merkins each time back at intersection


The Finish: Murph Ladder Fun

Pull-ups, Squats, Merkins

        5 each

        6 each

        7 each

        8 each

        9 each

        10 each




Reflection: “Overthinking and Under-praying”

    Taken from Daily Wisdom for Men

Psalm 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

    The last part of that verse is so nice, the first part is so hard.  

In this psalm, many prayers are answered, yet the word prayer is never mentioned.  We are told to “commit”, to “wait”, to “delight in” the Lord, and then He will give us “the desires of our heart”, He will “make your righteous reward shine” (Psalm 37:6).  But the word pray is nowhere to be found.

Psalm 37 treats the process of shedding all delights other than the Lord Himself as the process of prayer.  Because it’s answered.  It’s the commitment to the Lord, the delighting in, the waiting for, that is answered.

Prayer is the expression of desire for our spirit’s Father to work His will in ways we cannot.  We should love what our Father loves, delight in what He delights in.  That process is, prayer.  And it will be answered.


Mole Skin:

  • Love my Thurs. Q.

  • Cement Cross was suggested name for today, but really, it was a Fun Run.

  • Thanks to everyone who keeps EH’s me to stick it out.

  • For me, perfect weather this morning, maybe it comes from living in Boone, but I’d take this morning's weather 365 a year!

  • Another running Q by me.  It’s has to stop sooner or later.

  • People get grumpy when carrying heavy blocks

  • T-claps to Holeshot for pushing everyone to finish what we started and get #10 at the end.

  • Dandelion sheds his jacket with temps below 50, he may be sick?

  • Someone noted Clark still smelled of soot from yesterday’s blaze.  T-claps to him for saving Western NC from 3MI.

  • Some early scuttlebut about Mulligan defecting to Mustang, surely that’s not true?

  • Fun time this morning, thanks for the motivation to get out there.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb