F3RCUSA Commemorates the Battle of Morgarten

Event Date

Nov 15, 2017

Eight stallwurt men gathered in the sub-40 morning, one to remember what happened 700 years ago in those brutally cold Swiss Alps!  This legendary bruttle battle among the (peace loving?) Swiss and the war mongering Austrians occurred to protect the vaunted Morgarten Pass in Switzerland, as you know….a coveted passageway to italy, for the Austrians.  So….how did we honor this special day in history?  Why, please read on and find out!

Warm-ups: Mozy acrost the street to parking lot and circle up for COP: IC -> SSH 20, Imperial Squats 10, CP's 10,  CDD's 15, Mericans 11, SDS's 15, WM's 13, Then 15 calf raises on each leg, OYO.  10 penalty Burpees assessed for untoward flattus emission.  Mozy down the road.

The Thang: Theatre of Germaine Racing. Wall work. Pyramid 30, 20, 10 (latter was mostly IC to gain reps). Inclines, lunges (15 each leg), CDD's, Dips, Jump squats, Ab throwdowns, Peter Parkers, LBC's.  The latter were out of order, as we missed those on the first circuit.  Ten celebratory burpees commemorated out commemoration of the Battle!  Declines until exhaustion, then plank.  10 Sitouts IC.

Mozy to the lot formerly known as TrakScan.  Mary (IC): Mason Twist 13, Freddie Merc's 13, 5 penalty burpees for erroneous flattus emmission, 13 Jlo's, Plank, Recover, recover.


-The Battle of Morgarten was on November 15th of 1315, so there were a lot of 11, 13, and 15 reps sewn into the Q today to commemorate said Battle!  YHC hopes you enjoyed such sewing, as YHC is PART Austrian (even thought those are the blokes that lost).

-Deepend was a sour cheesehead today, from the COP on, complaining about this exercise and that, even thought UW, The Pack, AND Matt Kennseth all won this weekend….you'd think he'd be a bit more chipper!

-Cupcake easily DOUBLED any other PAX members' total decline count when we went to exhaustion….very impressive!

-Chief continues to sport his, shall we say, non-traditional counting.  IF nothing else….it's very entertaining!

-GREAT to see Crack back at it and hitting it hard, well done!

-Mailman, Dewey, and Santiago all played well with others, and didn't feel the need to comment, like others did, on all the exercises.  However, Santiago constantly needed to know 'how many'!  Maybe it's a 'respect' thing?

-Dewey, thanks for lettting me lead!  PAX, take a Q, it is ALWAYS worth it!!