A Pax of 8 Were Great at The Sword

A Pax of 8 Were Great at The Sword…

Master Po requested a Caboose beat down, Master Po gets a Caboose beat down.  Love this AO and was excited to bring my services back to The Sword.  With the busy weekend past me, I kind of let it slip that I was in charge of the days beat down.  But no worries, I was able to scrounge up something in the nick of time.  Here is what we did.


Run through the extended parking lot with butt kickers, karaoke, and high knees to the pull up bars and circle up.

SSH x 20

IST x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

The Thang:

10 – Pull Ups

20 – ‘Mericans (Some grumblings about a “Murph” started to enter the fray)

30 – Squats

Run a short lap

Repeat-o (Oh crap, is this the Murph?)

Run a short lap

Repeat-o (Really??  The Murph??)

Run a short lap

Mosey to the fire pit area.

Dips x 10

Step ups x 20 (10 each leg)

Incline Mercans x 10

Rocky Balboas x 20

Decline Mercans x 10

Low flutters x 20

Dips x 10

Step ups x 20 (10 each leg)

Incline Mercans x 10

Rocky Balboas x 20

Decline Mercans x 10

Freddie Mercury x 20

Mosey to the rock pile and grab a rock.  Carry your rock to the end of the parking lot (side with the BB goals) and partner up.  Partner A was the clock and ran to the other end of the parking lot while Partner B did an exercise.

Round 1 – Curls

Round 2 – Shoulder press / skull crushers

Round 3 – Bent over rows (Partner A ran down and quadraphilia’d back)

Round 4 – “Rock”ees (Burpees with your rock)

Round 5 – Shoulder press / skull crushers

Round 6 – Rock Swings (quadraphilia back)

This is all I could remember, we may have done more, but my memory is not so good in my old age.


LBC’s x 20

Pretzel Crunch x 10

Recover, Recover…


Great work today by all.  I love how everyone got after it today.  Monday’s can be tough depending on your weekend activities, but it didn’t seem to slow anyone down.  Don’t be shy and step up.  This only works with everyone’s participation.  I look forward to seeing everyone again real soon in da’ gloom.