Mad Ups

Event Date

Nov 14, 2017

Five MIL’ers came out on a nipple-y (sp?) morning to participate and demonstrate Mad Ups.  This is their story.


Forward skipping, backward skipping, SSH, TS, Windmill, Cotton freakin’ cherry pickers

The Thang

Mad Ups refers to a workout that features a variety of exercises, all of which are focused on ones with “–ups”. For today’s installment of pleasure and pain, we focused on three main “–ups” or 1) pull-ups, 2) push-ups and 3) sit-ups. 

Set 1

  • Pull-ups – 10

  • 3-2-1 Mercans (wide, middle, narrow) – 8

  • WWII sit ups – 15

  • Overhand hang on pull-up bars – 60 seconds

  • Cockeyed mercans (also known as “f’d up” mercans in keeping with the Mad Ups theme) – 10

  • Knees on ground, bring up to crunch and back down – 15

Take a lap around track

Set 2

  • Pull-ups – 10

  • Mercans with high five of partner – 10

  • Freddie Mercury – 15

  • Leg lifts while on pull-up bars – 10

  • Diamond Mercans – 10 I/C

  • Windshield wipers – 15 I/C

Take a lap around track

Set 3

  • Pull-ups – 10

  • Mercans then shuffle arms and legs to right, Mercans then shuffle to left – 10

  • CDD – 10 I/C

  • V ups – 15 I/C

  • Overhand hang for 40 seconds

  • Legs up high, reverse Crunches – 15

Take a lap around track

Set 4

  • Pull-ups – 10

  • Regular old Mercans – 10 I/C

  • LBC’s – 10 I/C

  • Leg lifts while on pull-up bars – 10

  • Diamond mercans – 10 I/C

  • Legs at 90 degrees, Drop to 45 degrees, 15 high flutter, Drop to 15 degrees, 15 low flutter


  • An internet search of “Mad Ups” comes back with a lot of people who are “Mad at UPS”. There is still a long of customer anger long after Alex’s employment ended

  • First sign of the holiday season – the hatch/cab has been added to the Arizona-mobile

  • Over Thanksgiving, there is a special “Coming out party” that sounds a lot like a brewery release party

  • Youth in Chicago were encouraged to try wrestling by adults canvassing the local parks. Although these memories have been repressed, Pax believes the wrestling recruiting strategy involved candy and uncomfortable lap rides

  • Heard Double Double really likes Miami and is now dressing like Crockett and Tubbs from the Miami Actuary Vice days

  • There was some helpful medical advice shared by non-certified amateurs in attendance

    • Be careful about drinking too much alcohol the afternoon after having a catheter inserted into your urethra earlier that day. While some urethra journeys are longer than others, the post procedure urination is like peeing fiberglass

    • Sigmoidoscopy is a precursor to a colonoscopy and can be best explained in nonmedical terms as a process of filling your sphincter cavity with air as if it were a balloon. Deflation is sure to ensue in a most convincing manner

  • And the public service aspects of these workouts just continue on

  • Fun fact: it is only very recently that Oktoberfest became grumpy and curmudgeonly. And now we know

  • Special appreciation and acknowledgement to El Tigre who both inspired and effectively carried Q thru to the Charlotte half marathon finish last weekend. Although he strained his neck on a few occasions looking back for me, I acted as the proverbial ballast in the back of his boat, and he covered more than a half marathon from doubling back to get me several times, he was an awesome partner and helped me finish in less than two hours. It was really fun. I’m already in for next year….

  • Oktoberfest will be collecting Turkeys this Saturday the 18th from 9-12am in front of his home at 12114 Overlook Mountain Drive in Overlook (Cobalt). All turkeys will be delivered to Loaves and Fishes. Alex has outsourced collection efforts on Saturday to his daughter, but it is a great tradition and we appreciate any and all support.

  • Q has issues. These shenanigans are fun for him

  • Thankful for all of the blessings these fine men continue to provide