You TIREd Yet?

Event Date

Nov 18, 2017


7 PAX including returning FNG – Shredder, came out to see what Skipper had in store for them.  

Warm Up:


20 IC Tony Hawks

20 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

20 IC Toy Soldiers

10 IC Windmills

Mosey to Back Playground

Tire happens to be out and waiting for us…….

Crab Walk Tire Train to Front AO

1 PAX flips tire 4 times; Others CrabWalk behind the "flipper"

Tire Fun:

Each round, 1 PAX does called tire exercise while rest of PAX does 10 reps of 3 exercises:
10 Merkins

10 Front /Reverse Lunges

10 Squats

Round 1: TIre Ab Roll Outs (x10)/Trio of exercises

Big Hill QuadsUfeelya

Round 2: TIre Farmers Carry/Trio of exercises

Big Hill QuadsUfeelya

Bear Crawl Tire Train back to the AO (4 Tire Flips per turn)

Back Playground:

Split up PAX:  

Perform MAX Pull-Ups, then Perform MAX Dips – Then do a Trail Loop

2 Rounds of this….

Mosey to the front


10 IC Windshield Wipers

10 IC Glute Bridge Pulse L

10 IC Glute Bridge Pulse R

10 IC Glute Bridge Pulse (Both)

10 IC Fire Hydrant L

10 IC Fire Hydrant R

:60 Mason Twist


Sermon series at church:  Stick and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.  UNTRUE.  Words can be some of the most powerful tools to either BUILD someone up, or, TEAR theme down.  How are we using our words to support each other within F3, with our family, with our friends, co-workers, etc.?  Words that tear people down linger for a long time after they are expressed.  Let's choose to make our words impactful, uplifting and supportive.


 – Vortex AND Abrams at the same workout?!  Enough said.

 – Good to have Cheetah back home after a week chasing armadillos down in Florida.  

 – Metro flys-in on his bike, that didn't let out the normal hair-raising squel as he brakes?  WD-40?

 – FNG Shredder makes another return to the AO and puts in major work.  I've added him to the email distribution list so he should be in the know now.  Shredder, we need to get you a tag on the website.  We'll help you next time.

 – I'm sure Dandelion didn't think the 2 Trail Runs were enough.  He likes to do things in groups of 3s

 – It was the Q's 6th day in a row of either F3 or running.  I didn't have much in the tank today, but having Abrams breathing down my next on the trail runs was motivating enough!  Love ya brotha!

 – As always, it is an honor to lead and be LED by you gentlemen