Skipper’s Island Excursions

Event Date

Dec 02, 2017


7 came out to cash-in on the advertised FREE Island excursions that Skipper had planned.  

Warm Up:


10 IC Tony Hawks


10 Windmills

Mosey to the back – partner up

Flexed Arm Hang till failure on the monkey bars while your partner planks….

Block Island Excursion:

1 Partner runs AROUND Block Island with the 33lb blocks which now feel like they weigh 40lbs.  The other partner does a called exercise until their partner returns:

Excursion 1:

Block Island Run

Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear – Front Play Yard

Block Island Run

Front Lunges

Block Island Run


Board back on Ship – 1 Minute of Clap-backs

Round 2:


Block Island Run

Front Lunges

Block Island Run

Long Jumps

Block Island Run

Board back on the ship – 1-minute of No-Handed Get-Ups

Mosey back w/ blocks to back playground

Trail Run


15 IC Freddies

10 IC Stranded Turtle

10 IC Windshield Wipers

10 IC Dr. Ws

:30 Mason Twist


Sermon Series:  Safe Harbors:

We all need safe harbors.  Boats are not made to be out in the ocean all day/everyday.  They need to come into harbors to reprovision (Food for crew/gas/repairs/etc.)  So do we.  Our call is to be out in the community, spreading God's word, spreading F3, etc.  However, we also have to take care of ourselves sometimes.  Come in to our "harbors" homes, churches, F3, prayer groups, etc. to reprovision, re-strengthen for us to again go out to help others.  Take stock, re-provision, and then Get Back Out there.  


 – Shredder, I "think" I have you added to our email list.  Can you confirm? Drop a note below.  We also need you to set up on the website here so that we can stop calling you FNG-1, and start calling you things like "Beast" "Stud", etc. 🙂  Great to see you hanging with it man.

 – Great to have Cheetah back in the fold after being out on the road finding places that we didn't know we owned. I think he actually misses us a bit.

 – Abrams, well, he was Abrams, BEASTING the Block Island block runs and showing us how its done

 – Metro reminded me that my last workout wasn't up to par with my normal intensity.  Hopefully I fixed that today.  Thx for holding me accountable.  

 – Vortex rucks vests into the AO and is met with nothing but support and motivation by his fellow PAX.  He offered to rename my InchMerkinWorms and to punch me in the throat after I told the PAX that we would be doing the infamous Block Island workout.

 – Shirley barely broke a sweat on Friday during the Friday Fun Run, and then killed the block runs and workout today.  I'm sensing that he is starting to like this thing.  (And he likes to Run)

 – Lots of prayers as always needed in our community.  Continued prayers to the Taylor family, Sputnik and all our personal battles and prayer requests

 – Honor to LEAD and be LED by you gentlemen