Electric Trucks & Bench Bars

Event Date

Dec 04, 2017


Five of Lake Norman’s finest took The Berean to another level this chilly December morn.  YHC brought out a first for Lake Norman F3; a 45lb bench bar.  Coupled with a few other heavy thingy’s, a thorough beat down ensued.  Jazzy loves his ode to Bagboy, via the Angry Bird, and made sure to share with his Berean brethren.  Lots of mumble chatter about all the running, but the PAX was determined this morning, and blew out a challenging boot camp.  In addition, during the first mosey, Dingo noticed a broken down kids electric truck parked in front of a dumpster.  It did not take long for Dingo to encourage and convince YHC to include the truck as yet another heavy thingy to create blissful pain.  Aye!


  • Mosey a quarter mile to blissful complaints.
  • 25 IC SSH
  • 15 IC IST
  • 15 IC TS
  • 15 IC Carrot Pullers
  • 20 IC ‘Mericans
  • Down dog stretch

Transition – Ode to Bagboy

  • Up the ladder (5, 10, 15) – OMD ‘Mericans, IC Low Flutter, IC Low Dolly
  • Mosey a quarter mile to blissful complaints.

The Thang – Four pain stations with heavy thingys.  One PAX running the length of the parking lot and back

  • Pain #1: Skull Crushers with 25lbs
  • Pain #2: Kettle Throws with 25lbs
  • Pain #3: Ruck Curls with 25lbs
  • Pain #4: Clean and Jerks with 45lbs bench press bar



  • Mosey a quarter mile to blissful complaints.
  • Electric truck push… each PAX gets a ride and a push
  • 10 IC ‘Mericans
  • Plank
  • Low Hoover – 1 min
  • Plank
  • Low Hoover – 30 seconds
  • Recover Recover

Moleskin – I cannot properly express the thanks I feel towards the F3 community.  I know I speak for many that F3 has changed my life for the better.  I am so thankful each day I spend with like-minded men, lifting spirits as well as heavy thingy’s.  God bless you all!


  • Great to see West Side out early this Monday morning.  Looking forward to seeing you next week!  Great work!
  • Olive loves to run.  Olive disappointed a ruck’er would require so much running during a boot camp workout.
  • Grape Ape was solid as usual in all aspects of the workout.  So good to see him back out in the gloom.
  • Jazzy was… well, ya know
  • Dingo is a beast.  Must be nice to be young.
  • The Man Maker crew was super impressed with our truck push effort 😉
  • Dingo will have the pictures of the truck push on twitter soon
  • Dry Rub, get healthy brother!
  • Thank you Dry Rub and Dingo for allowing me to lead these fine men.

Bible Study – Today’s theme was “How do you strengthen your spirituality”?

  • Daily effort to move dependency on myself/others to God
  • Be dependable in my walk
  • Have a reverential fear of god (respectful love)
  • Discernment using thy will rather than my will
  • Prayer requests:
    • Two year old Max; awaiting a heart transplant
    • Moses’ toe
    • Spiritual guidance for West Side/Grape Ape
    • Kids/Family for Grape Ape
    • Gnarly Goat’s knee
    • Max’s career to smooth out
    • Earl Grey’s daughter with high fever
    • Dingo’s family during the move