Ramps and Rocks ? At Hollywood U get both !

15 Men of F3 hit Hollywood for some Ramps and Rocks !  55 temp with 99% humidity after night rain got the sweat going !  This is what happened………………..

Short mosey to side parking lot by movie theater to circle up.


Windmill x 15 IC, IST x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Toy Soldier x 15 IC, SSH x 30 IC

Mosey to everyone's favorite parking ramp.


Bear crawl half way up ramp, 5 Burpees OYO, Lunge walk rest way to top, 10 Mericans OYO, loop it back down the stairs and Repeato for two more sets.

Quick circle up at bottom of ramp for Squats x 20 IC, Mtn Climbers x 20 IC, & LBCs x 25 IC.

Bear crawl half way up ramp, 10 Burpees OYO, Lunge walk rest of way to top, 20 Mericans OYO, loop it back down stairs to plank & hold for the 6.

Mosey past tennis courts to rock pile to choose a challenging friend.

Rock Curl Time Bomb:

Circle up for time bomb.  YHC begin to curl starting with count of 8.  Rest of pax is planking if not curling.  Once curler gets to counting 3 next pax goes.  You know.  Cause planking sucks sometimes, threw some variations including Peter Parkers, and downward dogs for all to enjoy.  All pax complete 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps within the bomb, then Boom !

Goblet Squats x 15 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Time she's really tickin !

Mosey back to home base for MARY.


Low Flutter x 20 IC, Rosalita x 15 IC, Box Cutter x 15 IC, & LBC x 20 IC.

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Deep Dish for allowing me to Q at Hollywood !  Talking with you couple weeks ago, you seem to have some good ideas on how to use some different areas of the AO for Qs.  Awesome !  Keep growing.

2 – Five Gentlemen of Respect age including Deep Dish, Outsource, Jersey Boy, Elmers, & Tiramisu.  Gives us younger pax lots of hope for the future.  Looking strong !

3 – Uncle Rico & Jazz Hands get the award for choosing largest Glacier rocks.  Serious Beasts !

4 – Good to see some guys haven't seen in a while for sure !  Strong group.

5 – Possible 1st with Jersey Boy pullling a hanky during lunge walks without breaking stride.  Dang allergies !  Pretty funny for sure.

Thanks to the Men of F3 !  It works if you work it, it will not if you don't.  

Mayhem (in the AM)