For Those Who Couldn’t Attend the Huntersville Half

There were a few PAX with schedule conflicts on Dec 9th who couldn't attend the Huntersville Half, either to run it or volunteer for it; YHC included.  Asked Major Tom if he needed a Q for Excelsior since he was running the Half, and he did.  Once YHC PB'd that, there was some interest in the River Rat 10k.  Separately, there was some chatter about The Estate as well.  It all went down something like:

0500:  9 Lives, Black Eyed Pea, and YHC for the RR10k.  Great run and great 2nd F.

0600:  9 Lives and BEP had to jet.  Etch and LaBon didn't show up for Excelsior, they showed up to ruck!  YHC waited for any runners, there were none.  Etch and LaBon were kind enough to let YHC tag along on the ruck.  Actually, we rucked to the point we often run to at Excelsior, though it took the full 60 minutes instead of 45.

0700:  A "Co-Q" The Estate led by Snake Eyes, YHC, and Elmers in that order, each for 20 minutes.  Went something like:

Snake Eyes:

  • Lots of Bear Crawling and an obscene amout of shoulder touch Mericans
  • People's Chair with related air presses, etc.
  • Some suicides with LBCs
  • Apologies if YHC is light on the details


  • 10 pull-ups OYO
  • 10 knee ups OYO
  • Lunge Walk a ways
  • Mosey to cinder blocks, grab one each for some shoulder work
  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Invisible speed bag x 1 min
  • 25 quick jabs each side
  • Balls to the wall x 30 seconds
  • Zamporini carry blocks to bench on track
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Run a half lap
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Run a half lap
  • Push the blocks across the track and return to their home


  • Grab a rock.  Do an exercise then run a parking lot loop.  Exercises included:
  • Shoulder presses
  • Curls
  • Skull Crushers
  • Squats
  • Return blocks and we did some Mary.


  1. This is all from memory, apologies.
  2. See Professor's Backblast from the week prior.  More to come soon…