FNG -1 is Little Ben. Didn't find him on the site.
- SSH X 25
- IST X 25
- Girl Fight X 15
- Cotton Pickers X 10
Indian run to Rock Pile
Pick up a nice rock from the rock pile on the pain clock for the filthy 50
- Starting at 12 doing exercise at each hour as a group and then running the circle to the next hour (Staying together the entire time)
- At 12 – Burners oyo 25
- At 1 – Rock Curls X 25
- At 2 – Mericans oyo 25
- At 3 – Skull Crusher X25
- At 4 – LBCs oyo 50
- At 5 – Shoulder Presses X 25
- At 6 –Low flutter X 25
- At 7 – Chest Press laying on the ground with rock X 25
- At 8 – Ws X 25
- At 9 – Rock Curls X 25
- At 10 – CDDs X 25
- At 11 – Skull Crusher X 25
- At 12 – Rock Squats X 25
Back To the Rock Pile to deposit your rock
Sprint to queen corner
head to the Who tree and there was no time for Mary
I cannot lift my arms to type Moleskin:
- Lots of pray request today keep them all in your thoughts and prayers today.
- Skeet Shooting on Saturday leaving 131 main at 8:29.
- Man I must be getting older as I have done this workout a few times but this time was the hardest.
- My arms are literally shaking as I type this.
- Definitely some over compensators out there based on the size of some of the rocks that were chosen. Not going to mention any names but is rhymes with Loxic.
- For all of us Clydesdales out there I have been given permission by F3 mudgear to design a shirt to represent our size.