Be Different

Event Date

Dec 16, 2017

This workout is going to “BE DIFFERENT”.  Which is also the keywords to today’s reflection, we’ll get to that… Also posting today was new guys Crawdad and Duke Nukem.

Warm up:
10 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC Touch Ground Cotton Pickers
10 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC Imperial Squat Walkers
10 IC Fire Hydrant L
10 IC Fire Hydrant R    – now mosey down to the practice field and circle up

The Thang:
Song: Flower “Green Sally Up” (3:25)
Squat Edition

Song: Raining Tacos – Parry Gripp (1:32)
Hold a plank throughout and do a merkin every time they say “tacos.” Results in 1 minute plank and 15 merkins.

Song: Bodies “Bodies Hit The Floor” – Drowing Pool (3:21)
Everyone Planks, Do a donkey kick every time it said “Let the Bodies Hit The Floor” and a merkin every time the lyrics said “1, 2, 3,4.”  In total we did 26 donkey kicks and 21 merkins.)  The whole purpose as it sounds is to NOT let the bodies hit the floor.

Song: Tubthumping – Chumbawamba (3:32)
Chumbawba burpees – SSH and burpee on every time they say “I get knocked down”

Song: Lose Yourself – Eminem (5:20)
(Variety of exercises)
– Jog in place
– Power Frankenstein’s (constantly bouncing and alternating Frankensteins
– Cardio Heel Lifts (running in place, kind of like a high knees, but bring foot up inside, knee out)
– Box Jump Squats, in a square movement
– Switch Directions
– Lunges, alternating legs
– Inch worm merkins, (Stand, walk it out, merkin, walk it back, stand, repeat)
Repeat any of the above as needed to song completion.

Mosey over and get two bricks each, come back and circle up
Song: Another Brick in the wall part 2 – Pink Floyd (3:58)
Perform these exercises while listening to the song.
10 OYO Dippy Birds L leg (with bicep curls when standing)
10 OYO Dippy Birds R leg (with bicep curls when standing)
10 IC Jumping Jack Presses with bricks (up when legs out)
10 IC Plank on bricks with alternating brick rows
10 IC Brick Punches
10 IC Lateral Side Raises

1 brick for this one…
Song Bricks – Ecanus (3:44)
Constant air presses with single brick, each time you hear the word “brick(s)”, do a reverse lunge and pass the brick between legs.  Alternate legs as you wish.

Take both your bricks over to the parking lot edge…

Song: Brick by Brick – Artic Monkey (3:20)
Everyone takes both of their bricks over to the edge of the parking lot at grassy hill beside steps, ½ PAX stand at top of hill, ½ at bottom.  PAX at top set the bricks down and mosey down.  During the duration of the song we will run down the hill, pick up one brick from the stack, run it to the top, do one jump squat to set the brick down, then repeat… all the while accumulating bricks up top.  When the song slows down, we lunge walk to slow down too.  Then on the last part when it speeds back up, we grab 2 bricks at a time from top of hill and run back and forth returning them to the stack with a goal of having them all put up by the end of the song (35 seconds to do this).  Complete even if song ends.

Mosey over to the bottom line of parking lot for “Lone Survivor” – Pair up with someone your size.
Song: Fortunate One – Creedence Clearwater Revival (2:20)
#1 carries #2 up the hill.  Both Bear crawl back down the hill.  Now #2 carries #1 up hill and both bear crawl back down.
Scale by choosing with your partner 2nd or 3rd line as your goal.  Plank when finished.
Mosey back to Launch Pad and circle up for Mary.

Song: Proud Mary – Creedence Clearwater Revival (3:08)
These exercises will be in cadence.  Start off doing plank jacks, when we hear “rollin, rollin, rollin on a river”, that is your short break, then Q yells out next exercise:
~14 IC Plank Jacks
~ 9  IC Freddy Merks
~13 IC LBC
~13 IC Low dollies           ….And that is your free workout for the day!


Recently a man was talking to me about reaching families.  He said “You get the man, you get the house”.  That was profound to me.  What he means is that if you win the man over to God, the family will follow.  It’s Gods design for the man to lead the family.  We see this very early in the bible.  After Adam and Eve sinned, God appointed the husband as leader in the home: “To the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you’” (Genesis 3:16).

Another biblical reference to the father/leadership role…

1 Timothy 5:8 says, “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Providing for your family, however, means much more than simply putting bread on the table. It includes the provision of all the elements of a Christ-like home: teaching and modeling God’s Word in an atmosphere of love, grace, patience, loving discipline, understanding, and encouragement.

"Wearing the pants" means to lead within one’s home. Men, this is our God-given calling. While some women may want to "wear the pants," I believe most desire for the men to lead their families. Our wives and sons and daughters need to see us "wearing the pants" and setting an example of what it means for a man to be a spiritual leader.

Don’t interpret what I am saying as go home and tell you wife and family what to do.  Go home and lead your family by example.  As an example: If you don’t go to church, start there.  “Put on your pants” and let you wife know that is important to you, and that you want that to happen.  If you are sincere with her, she will want to support you and follow.  If she follows, the children follow…  “You get the man, you get the family”.  Other areas we can lead our families: let them see you reading the bible, let them hear you actually being excited about the F3 Bible study we are talking about getting started.  Let them see you be strong in your faith when times are hard.  Be “Different”! 

Then we circled up and listened to these words and song silently.  Letting the words of the song be our prayer… (5:02)

Ended the song/prayer with this: “Lord, please give us the strength to be the men you want us to be.  Pleasure to lead you today; now it is your turn to go out and lead.” – Amen      C#