The Estate Honors Outgoing and Former MQs

On a crisp Saturday morning at the Estate, we honored outgoing MQ Professor, and former MQ Snake Eyes.  Skip to the Moleskin section for more details on the handover.  The workout part of Saturday went something like:

0500:  The River Rat 10k with 9 Lives and YHC

0600:  Excelsior, led by Jedi, with BEP and YHC in tow

0700:  The Estate

We knew Professor would be a few minutes late, coming back from a 14 mile run with the Myrtle Beach Marathon crew.  We pressed on, hoping to sync up with him.  BEP took the first 30 minutes of the workout, with YHC taking the second half.  Went down something like this:

BEP's "Black Eyed Pea Soup" Thing:

  • Warm-up with a lap around the track and circled up for:
  • SSH, Soybean Farmers, Toy Soldiers, etc.

Mosey to the Baseball Fields.  The workout affectionately known as "Black Eyed Pea Soup", was crafted in partnership with Snake Eyes, former MQ.  It was part of BEP's first Q at The Estate, and named by Snake Eyes as well.  Goes something like this:  (apologies if any omissions or out of order)

  • Bear crawl from foul pole to center field
  • Partner carry from center field to other foul pole
  • P1:  Prisoner Squats x 10
  • "Dip walk" across dugout bench; meaning, move sideways stopping for a dip each movement
  • Partner carry to other dugout
  • P2:  Prisoner Squats x 10
  • Dip walk across dugout bench
  • Mosey to the chain links for some "over and unders"
  • Mosey a ways into some grass for:
  • Tunnel of love x everyone through twice
  • Cacha-lacka-choo-choo x everyone through twice (pardon my spelling!)
  • Mosey to some walls for some People's Chair, complete with the obligatory air presses and "touch dem heels"
  • At precisely 0730 BEP handed off to Turnpike for some more fun as follows:

Turnpike's "Ode To Professor" Thing:

We jogged back to start-ex and to grab a cinder block each.  Then boom, found Professor!  Since we already had the blocks though…we did:

  • Front Shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Slow Deep Block Squats x 10 IC
  • Push your blocks on the ground until the next median, and back.  Return blocks.

Mosey to the back of the school.  We did a few rounds of "The Brickmas Tree" workout made famous here by Professor, except we didn't have bricks.  🙁   We tried to make it fun anyway.  Went something like this:

  • Burpees x 5 OYO, run a lap around the painted track
  • Burpees (with 180 degree turn on the jump) x 5 OYO, Mericans x 10 IC, run a lap
  • Burpees (with 4 count mountain climber after the pushup part) x 5 OYO, Shoulder Touch Mericans x 10 IC (in a hat tip to Snake Eyes), Mountain Climbers x 15 IC, run a lap
  • Burpees x 5 OYO, "Boo-yah" Mericans x 10 with partner, Mountain Climbers x 15 IC, Plank x 20 seconds

Ran out of time there.  Mosey back to start-ex for COT.


  1. Many thanks and T-Claps to Professor for 2 great years of leadership at The Estate.  With all due respect to other Saturday AOs, The Estate (and the double or triple down opportunities prior) feels like the best way to start the weekend.  We could always count on many things during a Professor-led workout, including an "a** kicking" and great 2nd F.  Professor also made adjustments on the fly whenever PAX brought out 2.0s.  The workouts were tough, yes, but fun as well.  BEP and YHC hope to carry on that tradition.
  2. Speaking of Tradition, and quoting Professor:  Freedom and Snake Eyes were the first MQ's of The Estate which began on January 5th, 2013.  It's awesome that both are among "The Estate Faithful".  Snake Eyes was present on Saturday and he injected fun and 2nd F and encouragement as usual.  Freedom is resting / healing up and we can't wait to see him back out there.  
  3. Elmers, another Estate Faithful.  Freedom, Snake Eyes, Elmers, Professor, and others, are part of what makes The Estate so awesome.  Elmers had worked out earlier in the week at Raleigh was it?  Sound off below.  Apparently they have a "Triple Down" as well…spread over 3 days.  We…uh…do things a bit differently at The Estate.  (wink, wink)
  4. Great to see Bootlegger out!  Looking at recent backblasts can see he's been back at it of late, prior to that seems he was a bit of a Kotter.  Keep coming out bud, it was great to partner with you.
  5. Good to have Canary out as well.  BEP apologizes for the nice blue sweatshirt that was likely damaged beyond washing during the "tunnel of love".  Oh dear, looking at recent backblasts, looks like he was named at a Ramrod workout.  That could NOT have been easy, yet he keeps coming out which is a great thing!
  6. Nice to see Jingle Bells at The Estate and the last 2 Titan workouts as well.  Hope you are able to make this part of your Saturday routine.
  7. BEP, it shall be an honor to serve as "Co-MQ" with you at The Estate.  Let's make it awesome bud!  We're going to make #DoubleDown and #TripleDown well knowns things in Lake Norman. 
  8. Professor, our good friend.  One of my favorite people in all of F3.  Thanks again for your leadership here!  After you dominate the Myrtle Beach Marathon, we truly hope to see you most Saturdays at The Estate.  We'll do our best to make it a hard yet fun workout each time.  But the real magic happens when several of "The Estate Faithful" show up.  What's better than 1-3 hours of working out with this fine crew, then 1 hour at NY Bagel on a Saturday?  Answer, not much.  Not much.  Aye buddy. 

 – Turnpike

P.S. – BEP and YHC are likely both OOT next Saturday.  We'll play it by ear and decide whether to converge the workout or solicit a Q. 

P.P.S. – Yes, you can expect YHC to hit folks up over Twitter messenger to ask for Qs, several weeks in advance!  Don't worry, YHC has a lot of solid friends in F3.  Which means:  1) The workouts will be hard and varied.  And 2) Will only need folks to Q here about once every year-ish.