Arnie’s Army Seven Days before Christmas Mind Games, Toys, and Blocks

24 of F3 LKN’s finest plus one canine (Hurley) took their 7 days before Christmas beat-down with a healthy dose of heckling and mumble chatter—rather than egg nog and cookies–for the Q.  Three for standard of 2.5 miles: Kid Rock, Soprano, The Geek


· Lap around parking lot. Second lap with ¼ lap High Knees, ¼ lap Butt Kickers, Karoki.

· 25 SSHs x IC, 15 ISTs x IC , 15 CPs x IC, 20 MCs x IC



Mind Games Trivia: Category World History and Classical Music

On December 18th of what year did French emperor Napoleon return to Paris after a disastrous campaign to invade Russia? Hint: Russian composer Tchaikovsky has a famous overture with the year in the title. <Answer: 1812>

Correct answer <Rocket> = 1 burpee, 8 WWII sit-ups, 1 Merkins, and 1 of Squats for ones. Incorrect answer would have added 10 to each exercise.

New Toys – Auto’s Monkey Bars

· Mosey to monkey bars. PAX circle up around MBs, but leave opening at each end.

·Two Pax starts through Monkey bars while remaining Pax start merkin time-bomb 7:1. Next Pax starts MBs when first two return until all have completed one cycle.

· Can substitute 17 Australian pull-ups on low bars as needed.

 YHC wanted to create a monkey bar exercise that avoided waiting in line to go through bars, but failed to appreciate the complexity of trying to execute a merkin time bomb while two were on the bars. The word disastrous has already been used once in this BB, but Napoleon now has good company in YHC.

7 days before Christmas

Mosey to parking lot and obtain one cinderblock. Perform exercise single count, adding one additional each cycle up to 7 and run lap at the end of each cycle. Squats AMRAP until six arrives. NOTE to Master Q: There are currently 23 blocks on pallet and LEGO flawlessly improvised with a rock.

· D1: 1 blockee OYO + run parking lot lap

· D2: D1 + 5 skull crushers +  lap

· D3: D2 + 10 full curls + run parking lot lap

· D4: D3 + 15 chest presses + run parking lot lap

· D5: D4 + 10 lawn mower pulls each arm + run parking lot lap

· D6: D5 + 25 block merkins + run parking lot lap

· D7: D6 + 30 squats with block + run parking lot lap


Old Toys – Callahan’s bridge

·Mosey to Callahan’s bridge: 2 x through Bear Crawl while Pax planks on bridge railing.

·Mosey back to blocks



· Low Flutter w/block x 15 IC, J-Lo x 15 IC, Crunchy Frog x 15 IC (Stromboli), 30-second plank



· YHC’s three Q’s of Arnie’s Army this year had 30, 29, and 24 PAX for average of 28. YHC’s goal next year will be a make the workouts harder AND get bigger numbers. Mumble chatter was impressive at all three.  At least four professional chatters brought their A-game today—think you know who you are, but YHC will name names anyway: Kingfish, Kid Rock, The Force and Toxic.

·  Covered 3.0 miles according to the trusty Garmin forerunner.

· A ban on all electric mower jokes has been enacted per Holiday. Please adhere to said ban until lifted by formal vote of F3 LKN BOD. 

· Rocket was sharp on the trivia once the classical music hint was dropped. Believe I saw an oboe in the back of his car that explains it. Kid Rock is still waiting for another chance at trivia.

· Six RESPECTs this morning with Axel  as WD.  Big Montana was WB.

·  Keep Rocket’s grandmother in your prayers.

· Thanks to Lego for leading us in prayer. YHC will echo his sentiments that we keep the reason for Christmas in mind this season and watch out for our neighbors and all those in need. Even the simplest gestures can have great power.

·  Thanks again to MQ Auto and his all-volunteer team for installing the Monkey Bars. The power bill’s been paid and the lights are working. Thanks also to Auto for the privilege of leading this great AO. Look forward to returning in 2018.