Closer Clause brings presents for all

Event Date

Dec 23, 2017

11 men showed to get their presents from Closer Clause. FNGs are Crawfad and Duke Nukem. Lots of chatter and an awesome 2nd F at Everest Grill. Glad to see everyone and Merry Christmas from my family to yours. May God bless you and yours.
Closer Claus welcomed everyone with their very own special present for the work out. No peeking but you have to carry it with you through out the workout. Each present had a special gift for the group. Q asked everyone to dress in the favorite Christmas clothes. We had a donkey butt with his jingle bells showing, elves, fake Santas.  Spork one ups everyone by bringing out his inflatable Santa Clause suit. My boy wore it the entire work out… all we heard was the the motor. 
Warm up:
R over L and L over R Leg stretches 
Arm circles
20 side straddle hops IC
10 cotton pickers IC
10 Imperial storm troopers IC
Parking lot mosey
1st present 20 dips IC
2nd present 10 burpees OYO
3rd present 10 derkins OYO
4th present suicides X2 OYO
Mosey to the rock pile
5th present 21’s X3 rotate after every round right IC
6th present 10 skull crushers X3 rotate after every round right IC
Extra credit 
10 curls IC X3 
10 chest press IC X3
7th present 4 trips of quads-I-feela 
Mom sey to track
Present 8 400 meter run OYO
Present 9 20 monkey jumpers  OYO
Present 10 20 V-ups OYO
Present 11 20 in and outs OY
Present 12 100 meter sprints X3
Present 13 10 Dr. W’s IC
Present 14 1 minute American Hammer
Mosey back to the start
Present 15 1-10 jump squat pyramid
Who needs Mary since we already did it.

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name ‘Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us.’ ” —Matthew 1:23

Christmas is meant to be a joyous time of the year for several reasons. We get to spend time with family, take some time to reflect and celebrate Jesus’s birth.

As joyful as Christmas is for some it can be difficult for others. Some people have recently lost loved ones, received troubling diagnosis, changed jobs and some maybe struggling with their faith. We never know who might be struggling in life. You never know who might need encouragement at this time of year. They don’t need a Christmas present; they may need His Christmas presence. A brief reminder that Jesus named Immanuel—God is with us. This could be our time to bring the gift of encouragement to person in need. Let the message of Christmas be: God will be with you. God will help you. God will strengthen you.

So let’s look for opportunities to share the love of God and encouragement to someone who might be struggling this Christmas season.