THE 1st Thursday Challenge

Bryce (or Brice?) Elliot = FNG1 and was named Radar today.  Bryce is from Iowa…  Iowa Hawkeyes.  Bryce works in technology…  Toxic had the idea from MASH – Radar.  Excellent name and how he got there…  but oops.  I've been informed F3LKN already has a Radar.  We'll have to look for Bryce at a future workout and rename.  His 2nd post was in 20 degree temps and his friend (also an FNG) was a no-show, so maybe something about being cold and lonely… 


YHC arrived from 2 blocks away via a pre-warmed vehicle, parked, jumped out and grabbed the pax as I ran by them.  Too cold to stop and exchange pleasantries.  After the warm-up lap, YHC was pleased to see 10 others had braved the 20 degree temp to see what THE 1st Thursday Challenge would be.  We started the #1stThursdayChallenge early to mid 2017, so it was time for an update.  Here's how it rolled this morning:

Warm-up lap, back to Home Court.  Circle up.  An FNG is here – really?!!?  It's 20 degrees!  As YHC conducted warm-o-rama, we went around the circle and shared our nicknames.  Warm-o-rama included SSHs x 15 IC, ISTs x 15 IC, Helicopters x10 IC, arm circles both ways and finally some cotton pickers x 15 IC.

Everyone grab a rock of your choice, come back to Home Court, and form small groups for encouragement.

The Thang:

Full Curls x 15 single count

Jump Squats w/ knee slaps x 15 single count

Skull Crushers x 15 single count

Merkins x 15 single count

Lap around the park and back.  Then repeato minus 3 reps of each exercise.  Lap, repeato, etc until the last set of reps of 3 each then last lap.  Put the rocks back, move to the 3-pt line where the rope awaited us for MWAR (Mary With A Rope).  First YHC improvised and filled time with calf raises x 25 IC then Helping Hand x 5 each arm.

MWAR then commenced, thus each pax took a turn at the rope while next man in line called the Mary excersize.  Went all the way around, had 3 minutes to spare so we through in some Shoulder Touch Merkins x 10.

The Frozen Moleskine:

11 is a strong showing for twenty degrees – T-Claps to all.  And especially to see an FNG come for his 2nd post.  Welcome, Radar (to receive a name change in the future per earlier comments in BB).  Radar was very enthusiastic and was already inquiring about winter gear for future posts.  Please find him and make him feel welcome.  He'll be Q-ing in no time.

The new 1stThursdayChallenge felt a little light.  Perhaps YHC selected a stone a tad too small, but we also had extra time, so we'll adjust for Feb.  Thinking if we just do the Curls and Skull Crushers in cadence that'll double the reps for the arms as well as consume a little more time.  We could boost the counts to start at 18, or lengthen the lap since there are fewer laps in total.  Suggestions are welcomed from the pax.

Toxic was quick to point out that we gathered for Mary far too early.  I guess 7 mins is all he's got and anything more is just plain intimidating…

Kumquat contiues to audible past the SSHs and jump squats, but has healed the heal enough to start some running again – good to see you making your comeback.  Good luck at the dr and we hope you're 100% soon.  Look forward to seeing you run more and complain more about strength training.

Amen was the lone pax to show up in shorts.  Halelujah was covered head to toe, but quickly shed an upper layer, then his gloves.  Wow – not sure what's in that family's blood, but it must be a much higher temp than the rest of us.

Welcome 2018 to all.  Imagine how packed the gyms are this week, so ignore the cold temps and enjoy the open space and brotherhood (and the low, low price of membership to F3).  EH someone – we are all surrounded by men who are looking for a change but may not know what they're looking for.  Extend a hand and offer them a ride to a workout – you just might change their life.