Fe Red Pill

Event Date

Jan 05, 2018

3 men and a teletubby (no offense) sharpened Fe this brisk morning.


Arm circle followed by love yourself

20 x IC copperhead squats

Parking lot lap (Short lap to return to hefty doing work given pegleg)

Session 1 (IC – 4 counts)

50 x OYO Russian Swings (eye level swing) 

10 x IC Row Right

10 x IC Row left

10 x IC Goblet Squat

10 x IC Skull Crusher (tricep extension)

10 x IC Seated Swing

10 x IC Sidewinder 

10 x IC goblet curl right

10 x IC goblet curl left

10 x IC goblet curl

Session 2

40 x OYO 'Merica Swings (swing to top overhead)

10 X IC Goblet Thruster

10 x IC push press (chest to overhead) 

10 x IC Hammer Curl Right

10 x IC Hammer Curl Left

10 x IC Goblet Squat Curl

10 x IC Around the Body right

10 x IC Around the Body left

10 x IC Russian twists

10 x IC Clean jerk left

10 x IC Clean jerk right

Session 3

Pax choice


10 x IC Right Suitcase Swings

10 x IC Left Suitcase Swings


10x IC Skull crushers

10x IC bent rows


30 x IC LBCs

30 x IC Reverse Crunch

Hebrews 10:24-25New International Version (NIV)

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

 Typically this is used during sermons to emphasize the importance of attending church on a regular basis but fits like a glove in what we are doing. I truly appreciate the fellowship this morning as it has been one heck of a week and this was the red pill that was sorely needed.


– Our very on hefty, ankle brace and all, posts in a onesie that made him look exactly like a teletubby. Don't recall him complaining about the cold so he may actually be on to something.

– Yes it was cold but that actually masked the soreness of getting swole, atleast until we thawed out.

– Layered clothing means gases don't escape as easily and have a tendency to linger longer

– Men being Men and spurring each other on ! 

– Fe is the periodic symbol for Iron, raise your hand if you knew that