Colder isn’t always bad

Event Date

Jan 06, 2018


8 appeared from the crispy cold gloom, looking to better themselves.  Although we felt otherwise at first, no digits or ear lobes were frostbit during the making of this BEATdown.  YHC tried to focus on keeping heat generation high while holding blocks or hanging from bars were kept to a minimum.

When YHC asked the crew how cold it was, responses varied from 9 to 17, averaging 13, so 13 was the # of the day.

WarmUp: (x = in cadence)
13x SSH
*** last member of the party arrives, nobody wants him to miss out on SSH
13x SSH
13x mountain climbers
13x dippy birds left
13x dippy birds right
13 seconds of arm circles forward
13 seconds of arm circles backwards
13x push ups, er….merkins
*** sorry for the confusion Abrams

LBH mosey
13x Jane Fonda's left
13x Jane Fonda's right
*** several pax thanked Dandelion for his ambitious Jane Fonda-ing Thursday

At some point, Retread headed over to Denver Baptist for a successful men's breakfast and then work out at Rock Springs Elementary.  The BB was awesome.  Nice job C# and pax!

Parking Lot fun:
bear crawl up, crawl bear back
high knees up + mosey back (+mb)
butt kickers up +mb
high skip up +mb
karaoke right up +mb
karaoke left up +mb
monkey slide left +mb
monkey slide right +mb
quadraphelia up +mb
3-line suicide
*** YHC's goal was to do 10 parking lot funs + 3-lines = 13, but memory is failing…

Head back to the back play ground.
Grab a block
Reminder about form
13x curls

Good ol' fashion meat grinder:
– 13 step ups were the counter
– dips
– Australian push ups
– decline push ups, er…, derkins, er… decline merkins, er…put your dang feet up there and do merkins…
– zig-zag-zig's ***disclaimer
– squats (with block if you like)
– pull ups, hanging knee ups

Trail Run
13x trifectas

Round 2 of meat grinder
*** interrupted at some point by my unfortunate gaseous output
*** Thank you Abrams world famous soggy cheese biscuit cabbage
impromptu (and possibly life saving) trail run

Blocks back.  Head to the front.

13x LBC
13x Freddie Mercury's
13x butterfly's
60 seconds of Hot Foot, each side, in homage to Big Easy
*** history lesson – the first winter, there was a similar morning…low was 9 if I recall.  Big Easy had the Q.  I was an HC…set out all the clothes…was totally fired up…until I slept in to 6:20…BigEasy, man that he is, did a solo workout in 9 degrees.  That's commitment fellas, and I felt honoring him with some Hot Foot was the least I could do.
60 seconds of 'merican Hammer


Reflection: Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
– read your Bibles fellas

– interspersed thoughts throughout the bb

Such an honor to lead you guys today and always