Today’s exclusive showing

12 VIPs for this morning's Hollywood show.  Welcome to FNG Chris.  Hope to see him post again soon.
Run around parking lot, high knees & buttkickers.
Hollywood trivia:  What show premired on this date in 1999?  Clue:  popular HBO show.  Magnus knew it right away, as it was of course "The Sopranos".  Speaking of Soprano, he was no where to be seen in this AO today…
10 Imperial Walkers (courtesy of F3 Chicago) IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Merkins IC
Downward Dog with Pidgeon stretches
Cobra stretch
The Thang:
Mosey to the wall for the People's Chair & Air Presses x 20 IC.  Next up was some ramp work.
100 merkins, 200 LBC's, 300 squats
Round 1:
Partner 1 Merkins x 10 while partner 2 planks, switch at 10, and repeato until they reach 100.  Run lap up ramp and back down to starting point.
Round 2:  
Partner 1 LBC's x 20 while partner 2 holds legs out at 6", switch at 20 count, and repeato until they reach 200.  Lap up ramp and back.
Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats x 30 while partner 2 does Al Gore, switch at 30 count, repeato until 300 reps.  Lap up ramp and back.
Mosey to the rock pile for some upper body work.
Full curls x 10
Shoulder press x 10
Skull crushers x 10
Chest Press x 10
Full curls x 10
Shoulder press x 10
Skull crushers x 10
Chest Press x 10
Mosey to parking lot for Mary
Breakdancer x 10 Deep Dish
Crunchy Frog x 10 Magnus
Bulldog Merkins x 10 SnakeEyes
Looks like the PAX were not fans of the Imperial Walker (Kingfish…).  I wasn't lying when I said it wasn't the same as the IST.  Took awhile for folks to catch on.  It will definitely be back. 
Not much mumblechatter today, and Jazzhands was conspicuously quiet… that is until the final run to start for Mary.  I think the whole neighborhood was looking to hit the Jazzhand alarm. 
Kudos to HatTrick.  Strong showing as always.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead this group, and thanks to the PAX for the strong work.
Deep Dish