Resident Hill

Event Date

Jan 13, 2018


6 men got to know our resident baby hill quite well today.


12 IC Cross Country Skiiers

12 IC Tony Hawks

12 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

12 IC Toy Soldiers

Arm Circles

Partner Up – Mosey to bottom of Little Baby Hill.

One partner runs Little Baby Hill, shares total reps with their partner for:

50 Dr. Ws

75 Donkey Kicks

100 Monkey Humpers

We got about 3 trips up the hill for most to complete each round

Mosey to the back, grab blocks, mosey back to baby hill

Same thing, but this time for:

50 Block Squat Thrusts

100 Bent Block Rows

100 Skull Crushers

200 Block Curls

Mosey to Back, return blocks

Same partners:

1 does Burpees/Other does Flexed Arm Hang until failure (4 rounds)

Mary 6:


12 IC Plank-Ups

12 IC Windshield Wipers

10 IC Hip Dip L

10 IC Hip Dip R

10 IC Box Cutters

:30 Mason


This week, God put me at the right spot at the right time in a conversation I had with a gentlemen who did not believe that he was "saveable".  He thought he was "Too Far Gone" to be saved or to even try to be a better man.  The conversation stuck with me.  Can you ever be "Too Far Gone"?  I don't think so.  As I drove home that day, 2 songs reinforced that theory.  Casting Crowns – One Step Away came on.  And then right after that, Matthew West came on, "Mended".  Some of the words from that song put it in perspective for me.  "When you see broken beyond repair, I see Mended beyond belief" "When you see scars from where you fell, I see the stories you can tell." Whether you get to know God when you are 1 year old, or 99 years old, it's never too late.  All it takes is one step in the opposite direction to put you immediately on a better path. Now, how you stay motivated to take the next step on that path is up to you to figure out.  For some its church, for some its bible study, for some its a friend group, F3, whatever.  The point is, all you have to do is take the first step, and its never too late to do that.


 – Retread was again beasting a run before F3.  Dude joins us mid-stream and kills the rest of the workout.  Motivating.

 – Mulligan chose to weather a Skipper workout, and claims "I guess Skipper was tired of hearing about his soccer arms".

 – A LOT of running today, but also a LOT of arms too

 – If you didn't know the baby hill by now, you certainly do now

 – Dandelion runs from his house to the AO, bosses the workout, then runs home.  He's kind of awesome.

 – Cheetah floated up and down that hill and probably did most of my block reps.  Who knew Cheetahs liked blocks?

 – Shirley is FAST.  I mean like airplane FAST.  Wait, ohhhh yeah.  Airplane-Pilot 🙂

 – Weather was perfect today, not too cold, refreshing breeze

 – Great conversation at Everest today with the boyz of Mustang.  Apparently they worked out today too.  Who knew?

 – Pleasure to LEAD and be LED by you gentlemen

Your humble POTUS……SKIPPER