Mona Lisa Knows All the Words to Ice Ice Baby

Event Date

Jan 19, 2018

Two days of laying low from the snow, it was time to reemerge. I had to Q so farewell fartsack.

Rolled into Torrence Creek grabbed my bell took two steps toward the PAX, slipped on the ice and busted my ass. The rust was showing. Pull it together Bob, back on my feet and we're under way.

Warm Up

Mosey to the top of the lot and back.

  • Side straddle hops x50
  • IST x20
  • Cotton Pickers x15
  • Windmills x15
  • Mountain Climbers x15
  • Girl Fight (Foward / Reverse) x40

The Thang:

  • Low Curl x15
  • High Curl x15
  • Overhead Press x15
  • Goblet Squat x15
  • Skull Crusher x15
  • Full Curl x15
  • Chest Press x15
  • Lunge Right x10
  • Lunge Left x10
  • Lawn Mower Right x10
  • Lawn Mower Left x10
  • Arm Streches
  • Burpees x10
  • Power to the People Right x10
  • Power to the People Left x10
  • Kettle Bell Merkin x10
  • Man Maker x10
  • Russian Twist x15
  • Kettle Bell Swing x15

Mosey up the lot around the front of the school to Stumptown Rd, back to school entrance. Grab some wall.

  • Balls to the Wall 10 count around the horn
  • Calf Raises Right x10
  • Calf Raises Left x10
  • Wall Merkins x15

Mosey back to the lot. This is when Mona Lisa, dropped Ice Ice Baby on us… the entire song. It was 1990 again. 


Flutter Kicks x20
Touch them Heels x20
Boat / Canoe
Burpees OYO x10

Recover Recover


  • Polar bear coming up
  • Prayers for Lake Norman Mens Ministry traveling to Honduras
  • YHC took us out

Ice ice baby Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
Ice ice