Strength and Honor

Event Date

Jan 23, 2018

Four dudes came out on a Tuesday morning in search of the tangible but elusive strength and honor. We did some stuff. 
Dynamic stretching platter
The Thang
Come to back of Suburban for the grand unveiling for how best to achieve strength and honor. Everyone grab their own cinder block and head over to the sheltered area. Although these men are gladiators in all they endeavor, you really cannnot risk compromising your immune system during the cold and flu season. 
Set 1
  • Squats with shoulder press (10 I/C)
  • Alternating Mercans with one hand on cinder (12)
  • Skull crushers (10 I/C)
  • Gun show curls (10 I/C)
  • Decline mercans (10 I/C)
  • Alternating steps on cinders (50)
  • Upright row (10 I/C)
  • WWII sit-ups with feet in cinder holes (15)
Take a lap around the parking lot
Set 2
  • Cinder swing (kettle bell swing with cinders) (10)
  • Laying down Overhead raise with press (12)
  • Lunges with twist (12, or 6 for each leg)
  • Incline mercans (10 I/C)
  • Bent over row (10 I/C)
  • Alternating leg steps on cinders (50)
  • Dips (10 I/C)
  • Mason twist with cinders (15 I/C)
Take a lap around the parking lot
Set 3
  • Shoulder press (10 I/C)
  • Alternating Mercans with one hand on cinder (10)
  • Skull crushers (10 I/C)
  • Gun show curls (10 I/C)
  • Alternating steps on cinders (40)
  • Upright row (10 I/C)
  • Diamond mercans (sans cinders, 10 I/C)
  • Ab ups, with legs in air and cinder in hand (15)
  • Gladiator is Q’s favorite movie of all time. The highly edited made for tv version does not do it justice, definitely need the uncut R version for full cinematic effect 
  • Pain stations were planned and prepared for, but rain does not allow chalk to effectively bind to the sidewalk. An audible for Individual cinder assignments under the shelter made more sense, and luckily we were not oversubscribed today since Q only has 7 cinders
  • Text came across at 5:15 am. “It's raining. F3 still happening?” Reply back set the appropriate tone: “Yessir. Cinder blocks + shelter = nirvana
  • Nirvana indeed
  • 62 degrees this week, which is amazing compared to just 16 degrees at the same time last week
  • Although the crew worked as hard as Roman gladiators in training from the days of yore, they did enjoy modern comforts of musical accompaniment during today’s workout
  • Everybody has a line that should never be crossed, but not everybody knows just what each other’s line is. Grips line includes 1) being told to perform fellatio on a male student (it was a slang term not appropriate for retelling or transmission over email servers since this is a family program), 2) people commenting on his bald spot and 3) people having any disparaging remarks about his Members Only jacket. And now we know. 
  • Another beauty of the unwritten F3 rules that will remain unwritten: there are no make up days for inclement weather 
  • The Gladiator handshake is a handshake whereby the two parties grasp each other's arm below the elbow rather than the hand (right arm to right hand) and shake in the normal manner. Not sure of the exact origins, but there was likely no hand sanitizer back in the early A.D. days so that may be the genesis of it
  • Fun Fact: In addition, this type of handshake can also be used for check for signs of secondary syphilis in prospective partners, as this STD will will typically manifest itself in the lymph nodes
  • Great effort gladiators! Strength and Honor indeed