Ropes are Back

Event Date

Jan 27, 2018

Duke Nukem is FNG-1, although he is no FNG, just needs to register!

DISCLAIMER! –  Participate at your own risk.  Everyone gets a rope.  Q brought about a 10’ piece of rope for each PAX that they must keep with them for the entire workout. 

Warm Up:
Raining Tacos – Plank and do a merkin every time we hear the work taco in the song.
30 Sec Jump rope
10 IC R leg Fire Hydrants
10 IC L leg Fire Hydrants
Parking lot mosey
Arm Circles for a little bit, various, arms stay up, thanks Hefty 🙂
20 IC SSH (because we just have to do SSH)
30 Sec Jump Rope
Bring your water and rope, lets mosey to the blocks, get a block and circle up:

The Thang:
loop rope through the block, then put it on your back with rope in front (like a bookbag):
10 IC Squats with blocks on your back
Lunge walk L for a bit, then R for a bit (With block still on our back and still in a circle)
10 IC Y Curls (with rope in y shape) – (careful with that block on the upswing!)
10 IC Y Crushers Move rope to long V hold behind back, (block on ground, arms up in Y)
10 IC “I” Curls (again watch the block) – rope back to front, ropes together “I” shape
10 IC “I” Crushers – rope back around to back and block on ground for “I” shape (arms together and straight up)

Tie end of rope to block…  
Circle Up in plank (feet wide) with your block underneath you, throw your rope to the guy to your right.
Each person uses right arm to pull block from their left until it is under them.  Throw rope again and repeat.  After Q is happy, turn your block around and we switch directions!

Next, we line up on the white line, with block on the ground and rope in one hand.  With block underneath you, bear crawl until no slack in rope…  Then drag the block until it is under you, repeat as you work your way across the field. (crowd pleaser)  Then mosey back to line (with blocks)

Quad-ra-feel-ya up the hill one time with your block.  Then set you block at the top of the hill.

Mosey over to the wall, jump one time over, then back to your block.  Pick it up and mosey over to the Australian Bar…

Start with block on the ground, standing in front of the bar.  Squat down, pick up the block place on top of bars.  Release hands, then pick it back up, set it back on ground, release hands.   Up and down = 1rep… Now complete 10 OYO!

Mosey to the pull up bar.  Pax do 10 squats with block, then 10 curls with block, repeating until each PAX has had a chance to break off and do 5 pull ups.

Mosey to return the blocks, but keep your rope.

Quad-ra-feel-ya up the hill again, then mosey on to the stadium stairs.

1st round: bunny hops up, mosey over and down, lunge walk
2nd round: bunny hops up, mosey over and down, leap frog
3rd round: bunny hops up, mosey over and down, inch worm

?Partner Up: 10 OYO Punch Sit Ups (Switch and repeat)

Ended with rope recovery stretches learned from our friends at Phoenix.
Right Leg – Front, Up, Right, Left, Swing
Left Leg – Front, Up, Right, Left, Swing
Hip Stretches


Philippians 2:14

14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing…


  • Lots of bantering the Q today.  I enjoy it. 🙂
  • PAX all learning how to workout with the ropes, but everyone adapted quickly
  • Spork HC to Q next Saturday!
  • Several from Mustang visit Chick-Fil-A on our way to Coffee
  • Sound off video posted to Facebook page.