Turn up the VOLUME!

The cold 19 degree weather brought out some of the toughest men in our PAX. Love shake Comet and Usain for their own reasons ran 3 miles for the standard. Love “Shake” had to bail but that is ok, get better brother  

The clock ticked to 05:30 and we Pledged to the greatest flag this world has to offer. I recommend listening to the Charlie Daniels explanation of the pledge. You will not be disappointed. If you do. You can get out.

Warm up began with a mosey to the back of the AO. 

All will be in cadence unless you are told other wise

25 SSH  

15 IST

25 SSH

15 Windmills

25 SSH 

Then it began

Grab a Brick

This is where the VOLUME came into play. 

9 Bricks got laid to rest on the ground so we did 9 Penalty Burpees as it is a custom  

30 curls

20 Merkins

20 Press 

15 Merkins

20 Curls

15 Merkins

“My Fingers Hurt”

Put your Bricks up

Mosey to parkinlot across the street 

Here it was OYO for the first round

Starting Point at corner of building 10 Merkins

Middle of Building 5 Burpees 

End of building 5 Burpees Broad Jumps

Repeato back 

Next round in cadence 

Start 20 Squats 

Middle 20 Half Squats (starting from low squat and pulsing up half way then back down)

End 20 Squats 

repeato back 

Next round Bear Crawl the length of building  

plank to wait then mosey back to AO


25 SSH

50 Low Flutter

10 LBC to grown on

Excellent work today gentlemen. You guys never seize to amaze me. It’s always a honor to lead you me and learn from you each time. I thank you for that. Lear, sorry I didn’t get your Low Crawls in. I promise we will do them next time.