4 Years of F3 and no Groundhog Day Repeatos

25 of LKN’s finest used their wits to avoid Groundhog Day repeatos and crushed part II of Tagless’ four- year anniversary tour at The General. 10 for Standard with extra credit on extended standard to Metallica and Landline.


·         Shovel flag pledge

·         Mosey Lap to park entrance with High Knees, Butt Kickers, Carioca L-R + circle up.

·         25 SSHs x IC, 15 CPs x IC, 15 ISTs x IC, 20 MCs x IC, the burpee

THANG: Pain Stations and Tagless History Trivia: Name that Pax

·         Dora 1-2-3. Partner up SDNM.

·         100 Diamond Merkins / 200 squats / 300 LBCs. P1 AMRAP of exercise while P2 run laps to park entrance.

·         Trivia #1: Pax correctly identified Outlaw as Q at YHC’s very first post at Mighty Jungle and avoided 10 burpees


·         Mosey to shovel flag and grab some curb. 10 dips x IC / 10 incline merkins x IC / 10 dips x IC / 10 decline merkins x IC.

·         Trivia #2: Pax correctly identified Callahan as Q for the most bootcamp workouts where YHC has posted and avoided a repeato of dips and merkins.


·         Mosey to retaining wall. People’s Chair w/ 20 air press x IC / Peter Parkers w/feet on wall x 10 IC / BTTW 60 seconds / Parker Peters w/feet on wall x 10 IC .

·         Trivia #3: Pax correctly identified all three sources of YHC’s EH and F3 Name as Ruffles, Skipper and Skipper’s M and avoided WWII sit-ups x 20.


·         Mosey to back entrance. Bear crawl to 1st street light. Lunge Walk to next street light. Crab Walk to next street light. Quadra-philia (backwards run) to Westmoreland Rd.

·         Trivia #4: Pax correctly identified Jolly Roger for giving me the additional nickname of “Smartest Man in NoCo” and avoided CDDs x 20.


·         Mosey to rock pile.

·         Full Curls x 15 IC / Bent-over-Row x 15 IC / Skull Crushers x 15 IC / Chest Press x 15 IC



·         Mosey back to flag.

·         Low Flutter x 15 IC


·         The General never disappoints with a big and boisterous crowd.

·         Great range in ages from Commando (WB) at 19 to Jersey Boy (WD) at 54.

·         Workout covered approximately 3 miles per the trusty and always accurate Garmin.

·         Omega and Soprano are officially “runners”…just wait for those BRR EH’s to start.

·         Speaking of BRR…it was great to see nearly half of my team present. The other half was “on assignment” spying on Goatbusters, Incogs, and Dallas’ All Stars.

·         Toxic has volunteered to lead on fact checking YHC trivia answers and will coordinate with Blackbeard. Since PAX had all answers correct already, there is no prize for updated answers…unless readers want 10 burpees OYO.

·         As always, several great upcoming events to support: Polar Bear, Sweet Tooth run/walk, ALS pepper challenge.

·         YHC could not have dreamed that a simple response to an EH four years ago has led to all the great fitness, fellowship and faith. Please be sure to pass this gift on to others in need.

·         Thanks as always to Magnus for the privilege of leading at this great AO.



Lord, we thank you for the vision and leadership from Dredd and OBT to start F3 and their wisdom to allow it to grow organically. Thank you for the energy and initiative by Moses to bring F3 to Lake Norman. I stand amazed and in awe of what this organization has become and how it has transformed me personally. Quite literally, I feel so much more alive thanks to the fitness, fellowship and faith it provides. It is now and continues to be our duty to keep ourselves 3rd and to seek out others in need of this transformation.

We ask that you watch over all the men here today and all the men of F3 across this country that they continue to be a beacon for moral leadership and men actively leading in their communities. Doing the right thing rarely means doing the easy thing. Help us to always remember what’s most important in our lives; and, that we’re all more alike than different.

Heal and comfort those in need. Make us aware and responsive to those needs. Watch over all our military here and abroad that protect our freedom that we hold so dear and should never take for granted. Likewise, protect all first responders who humbly serve to keep our communities safe. Make us better sons, husbands, fathers, co-workers, leaders. We don’t pretend to be perfect, but strive to improve with your grace and your Son’s example as guidance. All this we pray in Christ’s name. Amen.