The Blender – so much harder than yesterday’s workout





Cotton Pickers


Line up for some Bell Suicides

Grab your bell and we walk together while curl and press – put the bell down

Run back to original spot

5 burpees


Bear Crawl to your bell

Grab bell and walk and curl and press to next island – put down bell

Run back to original spot

5 burpees


Bear Crawl to first Island

Lunge walk to next island

Grab bell and walk/curl and press to next island – put down bell

Run back to original spot

5 burpees


Bear Crawl to first island

Lunge walk to next island

Broad Jump burpee to next island

Grab bell and walk/curl and press to next island – put down bell

Run back to original spot

5 burpees


Bear Crawl to first island

Lunge Walk to next island

Broad Jump Burpee to next island

Crab walk to next island

Grab Bell and walk/curl and press to next island – put down bell

Run back to original spot

5 burpees


Bear Crawl to first island

Lunge Walk to next island

Broad Jump Burpee to next island

Crab walk to next island

Long Run to go back and pick the Tunes and run back to Bell


Grab your bell and stop about 100 yards before Hells Ascent


20 KB Swings

10 KB Squat to Press

20 Upright row (for round 2 and 3 which so confused everyone)

Sprint to and up the hill

15 merkins

Run back to Bell


Repeato x 3 only each time increase the run and up the hill by one

So round 2 you will run up the hill do 15 merkin,

Run back to bells and then run up the hill again and do 15 more merkins

Run back to bell


And increase another run to 3 sets of running with the 15 merkins.  This really confused everyone that couldn't figure out any pattern….which i felt quite clear

Recover Recover


  • Thanks for coming out to the Blender today, we had a big crowd of 10 folks…not sure where Caboose and Scrappy were
  • Bunyan was crushing the sprints noting how much harder this was than the workout at Sword yesterday and so much harder than his typical Zumba class on Tuesdays
  • Uncle Rico noted that he has attended the Blender for 10 straight weeks.  #Proud.  He is a beast so great to have him out there pushing the PAX
  • Two Buck and Don Ho killing it as well as the whole PAX…good to see Master Po this am.  Assume Firestone dragged him over, thanks for doing so
  • this is official for now on, always wear/bring gloves.  I didn't suggest in the PB that we need gloves and proceeded to Bear Crawls, so i was admonished, but hey, i say after doing this for years, you know you probably need gloves!  yea Two Buck, talking to you! 🙂

Love this group and love F3 and all you do for me for so many of the PAX

See you Thursday,
