Almost Skunked at The AES

Event Date

Feb 13, 2018


Nine pax including Puddin' and one more I am forgetting posted for the AES. Let me know if I left you out!

After a quick warm-up at The Green we ran to IB School for:

The First 48: 12 Pullups, 12 Burpees, 12 Squats, 12 Pushups + 48 count wall sit.  Repeat cycle 4 times.


10 squats, bear crawl across, 10 merkins, lunge walk back

10 jump squats, bear crawl across, 10 diamonds, lunge back

10 MKs (each leg), bear crawl across, 10 wide merkins, lunge back

10 Monkey Humpers, bear crawl, 10 drydocks, lunge back

DUMC: Lots of paver sets and running back and forth to dumpster

Back to Green for COT


A skunk walked by the group while we were doing paver exercises. And yes I am sure it was a skunk and not Duvall in some strange running costume.  Genghis noticed the creature and we decided if anything goes wrong, Leakin' Deacon is our man to take care of it.  Who was there when the esteemed LD pulled a baby deer out of the stadium fence with his bare hands to rescue it from certain death?  While the rest of us cowered and backed away..

Anyway, the skunk left us alone for now, but beware around the pavers!

Also, the First 48 is an old routine I brought back out today.  Did not seem so bad after what Swing State put the Thunderdome crew through yesterday!

Thanks everyone for working hard – always great to lead this esteemed AES group.