Rock Paper Scissors – Kettle Bell Style

Event Date

Feb 16, 2018

Six HIM braved 63 degree weather to gain strength; physically, mentally, and emotionally. All hands on deck within my security organization, as POTUS was in attendance. From snipers to close quarter combat experts, yours truly was well protected, along with his 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10# kettle bell. FNG-1 is Mater, who has posted three consecutive times this week! We’ve hooked him, great work @Sonar on the EH. There are 9,000 +/- other male figures within the Denver area, what are we all doing to attract them out to a workout, 2nd F event, or pulling them into the 3rd F?

Disclaimer – I am not a KB kind of guy, I don’t understand the jargon but we will get through this. Remember, there is a comment option, so feel free to add your constructive feedback, support, and recommendations. This will prevent Skipper from commenting, is anything he says constructive?

Disclaimer provided – I’m not a professional…etc. etc. etc.



20 IC Mtn Climber

10 IC Imperial Squat Walkers (@Clark, I did it! Again, twice now in a row)

The Thang

While I’ll do my best to keep this in order, I will make mistakes. However, does that matter to those of you not there, would you know it may not be in the exact order?

10 IC seated arm press R then L

10 IC kneeling arm press R then L

10 IC standing arm press R then L

10 IC high pulls

10 IC plank rows R then L

10 IC skull crushers…yes R then L

10 IC bench presses R & L

Move to median area. Setup four corners with center being the starting point for all PAX. Each corner PAX will complete 10 OYO of the following:

  1. KB burpees

  2. Mason twist

  3. Squats

  4. Skull crushers

You move to the corner assigned to you by the winner of a RPS challenge. The winner, or King, will continue squats until he is ousted from the throne. It appeared that punishment, or was it love, was in the air. Many PAX were sent to the burpee corner, again, again, and again. SMHSMIADMT (Shaking my head so much I almost dropped my taco)

Back to LP.

10 IC Pulse lunges R & L ….note to self – never again

10 IC Leg bridges R & L ….note to self – why? Right after pulse lunges.


Hefty – unfamiliar with the name, but…while planking pull KB from left to right with right hand, repeat L to R

C# – WWI Sit-ups

Mater – Squats

Skipper – Alternating KB merkins

Ziploc – mind is blank

Clubber – KB swings


Spoke about Parkland, FL and the recent tragedy. How it’s important to hug your family and share that you love them, even when upset. Don’t go to be angry or mad, or without saying I love you. It’s not just a gun problem, and I am not taking the conversation there. But do know, people die every day from other things, most of which gain little to no attention, until it’s something that is super politicized. All this does is pull us further apart and create unneeded and non-healthy conflict. We need reactions and solutions that are helpful and are not aimed to push personal agendas. 17 families, friends, loved ones, and a large community suffer today, two days following a shooting at a high school. They need are love, support, and prayers, even though they have no clue we are sending it. Keep in mind, more than 17 fine humans left the earth this week. Most likely, more, from different modalities of death, left us this week within our own local area. How many could have we, you, I helped save. I am the first guy to fight, deter, hide, etc. anyone who is in danger. I accepted a long time ago through many life events, that I will never run or stand idle if someone is in need. What I have recently thought of, though: all the people in danger that I can’t see. Who is the person afraid to walk into school or work. Who is afraid to walk in the house and face an abusive situation. Who is afraid to walk into church. Who is afraid to ask for help. It takes one word, maybe unspoken, one sign of distress, one strategically placed joke, one friendly text that has intentions of starting a conversation, that may have went unanswered. One thing, whatever that may be is happening in front of us each day, and we are either blind or scared ourselves to help. Humility and vulnerability are great skills to know, present, and share. After reading this, if you did, what possibly could I have hid within here that I am asking for help with? Do any of you really know me enough to know?


  • Learned some odd names of KB moves today jerk being one the other is …

  • POTUS on deck! Acura One landed with 3 min to spare

  • Less than .5 miles today

  • My first KB Q now I’ve done it all!

Honored to lead

Clubber aka Club a dub