Presidents Day Trivia and The FNGs

10 Men including 2 FNGs arrived to a slight drizzle at the Monster Mile.  We went over the disclaimer and offerend to hold onto the wallets of the FNGs but they declined.  


SSH x 20, IST x 10, Windmills x 10

The pax go around the circle and count off they 2s splitting the group into 2 teams.

We mosied behind the carport and foudn the Shovel flag planted a solid 25-30 yards away from the area know known as the start line.  Each team as five is to go to the flag 1 at a time and complete the given excersize for that round and return back to the group then the next guy goes. This is a race and the winning team will then be asked a presidential trivia question for the oportunity to do zero penalty burpees instead of the 5 for winning.  

Round 1 Bear Crawl to the flag 10 Merkins at the flag run back  Merkins AMRAP while waiting

Round 2 Crab Walk to the flag 2 burpees at the flag run back Burpees AMRAP while waiting 

Round 3 Bunny Hop to the flag 5 Squats at the flag run back Squats AMRAP  while waiting

Round 4 Lunge walk to the flag 5 Squats at the flag run back  Squats AMRAP while waiting

Round 5 elephant walk to the flag as a team 5 burpees at the flag run back.  

Lear was our teams best trivia player naming the only president born in the great state of Iowa, and also naming the 4 presidents assassinated while in office.  The other team struggled to come up with the number of democrat and republican presidents that have been elected.  They also struggled to name the state of birth of our most recent previous president.(Turns out I couldnt find the answer on google either)

Mosey up to the corner of the church.  1 lap around the church stopping at each corner. sprint to   Corner 1 10 burpees bear crawl to corner 2 for 10 merkins, sprint to corner 3 for 10 burpees, bear crawl back to the start for 10 merkins,

Lap 2 sprint to corner 1 10 squats, lunge walk to corner 2 10 squats, sprint to corner 3 10 squats, lunge walk to corner 4 10 squats.  

Mary under the awning

LBC x 25, WWII x 10, Low Flutter x 25, Box Cutter x 10, Cutter Box x 10


Welcome to Cheez Whiz forrmely known as Jamie Davis!!

Welcome to first post FNG Ryan today it was great to have you join us!!

NIce work this morning men a little friendly competition is always good in the gloom