Berean Kegs & Eggs

Aye!  The morn be early and greasy for seven scraggly, stout F3ers.  Mist be coming together to make thickness.  Heavy thingy's all laid out in safe places, the PAX begin to gather.  A great site, a PAX amongst the gloom.  There were pirates, and dancers, and animals, playthings, tea, and trees.  There was a man poorly named as well.  All were standing tall, eye of thy tiger awaiting the heavy thingy.  Fist bumps be had, as the breath deepened.  Souls of the men preparing them for battle.  Aye, matey, we be havin a shin dig!  Let's getter done!  This here how it played:

Mosey a good ten feet to COT.

  • 25 IC SSH
  • 15 IST
  • 10 Carrot Pullers
  • 10 Windmills
  • 15 Toy Soldiers
  • 20 Slooooooowwwww squats… feel dem quads!

Jog around de island, arriving to square off with da heavy thingy's under car garage harsh glow:

Seven stations of pain… one keg.

Whilst one brave soul carried keg around de island, other swash-bucklers went about lifting, throwing, and squating heavy thingy's:

  1. 45lb bench bar clean and jerk
  2. 45lb go ruck chest press or squat… you choose your pain
  3. 25lb full curls
  4. 25lb skull crushers
  5. 25lb kettle throws
  6. 25lb upright rows
  7. 10lb Zamperini keg dash round island.  Aye!


Find a dry spot:

  • 15 IC 'Mericans
  • 20 IC LBC (Jazzy call'em LBJ)
  • 20 OMU WWI Sit Ups
  • 5 IC 'Mericans
  • 45 Second Plank

Recover Recover


  • Awesome to see Red Cedar today.  Jazzy struggled to call him by his proper tree name, consistently calling him "Red Oak"
  • Blackbeard made an appearance, expecting a soft landing.  Aye, the heavy thingy's brough much pain!
  • Dingo brough some of the heavy thingy's, and was his usual dominate, non-40 year old self.
  • Earl Grey is a quiet beast.  Before audibling to a shorter route round de island, EG took the full Keg Dash Standard!
  • Bouncey is always athletic.  No change here.  Beasted the Keg Dash and the throwing of heavy thingy's
  • Jimmy O is an elequent F3 dresser, taking after the much beloved Jazzy outfit specials.  Beasted.
  • Jazzy was less dorky as his calf is angry with him
  • Stray and 9 Lives showed up for the most important second and third F's… great to see them both on the mend!

Bible Study

  • Theme: Self-Love
  • Scriptures: Ephesians 5:22, Matthew 22:27-29
  • For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.
  • Lots of great expressions of self-love from the PAX
    • ?Receiving love
    • Respect as love
    • Compassion as love
    • Fellowship as love

Great morning with an amazing group of men. Thank you Dingo for the honor of leading The Berean and these fine F3 men.