Singing in the Rain, & Dishing lots of Pain !

Event Date

Mar 01, 2018


5 Mudders truly loved the slop at Java this Gloom and launched their Buttisimo from Starbucks ! 51 temp & 95% humidity with intermittent showers with minimal volume.  3.1 miles was the goal.  Let's Freestyle based on timing, speed, and pace. This is how she all shook loose.

Mosey in front of Regal Birkdale cinemas for warmorama.


SSH x 20 IC, Toy Soldier x 10 IC, Squat x 10 IC, IST x 15 IC, & The American Pushup x 10 IC

Let's go store canopy hunting for exercise rep shelter.

Mosey down to Dicks corner  turn right wrapping around past to stop sign.

Canopy #1 – Mericans x 10 IC & Box Cutter x 10 IC

Mosey toward Townley heading to Kenton Place as goal serpentine thru parking lot, right in for stop at Elevation.

Cancopy #2 – Axel-led Mericans x 10 IC & Low Flutter x 15 IC

Mosey straight shot into Kenton lot towards Bruesters ice cream (Mmmmmm Ice Cream – Doe !) to PNC Bank drive thru.

Canopy #3: – Scorpion Dry Docks x 10 IC & LBCs x 15 IC

Mosey back down past gym rats on treadmills with Ferns.  I get it, just don't wanna.  Outside rain or shine, free of charge ! Yes pls.  Stop at Elevation due to top 5 canopies in LKN, as far as you know.  

Canopy stop #4 – Diamond Mericans x 10 IC, & Rosalita x 15 IC (she so pretty, don't the inner thigh movement ).

Mosey heading back toward base, down Townley back to main Birkdale drag entrance thru to quick left parking deck elevation blitz (think BRR) one time up and around to bottom stopping at Incredible dip wall.

Dips x 15 IC

Loop it back past B & N & Dicks back past movies then left wrap around to home base of Starbucks.

Time – she's a dona !

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Moby Dick for the extensive amount of time from his Stretch EH to today of 1 day !  Awesome.  Rain playing some trips by no worries over 50 degrees.  Lots of directions and serpentine options with Birkdale – Yummy !

2 – Strong group with Respect Stromboli, Axel the Marine, and always a Marine, MQ Moby Dick Backscratcher Snow Plower, and new fav, BRR Captain Tagless who claims he will make BRR look like a brisk walk thru a gated LKN community with our Experience of Gentlement Of That Certain Honorable Age. (F3 GoTCHA).  Woooooosh !  Big Results a Comin !

3 – Rain or Shine 2nd F at Java top knotch with today 8 from P200 team with Recover & top Elite – Beetlejuice, Garcia, and Turncoat walking in together gets the Intimidation award from me.  Ready to Crush Myrtle Beach Marathon this Sat !  Great Committment studs with Coach Mort and total of 15 pax.  Attack the Beach !

Truly love and respect you all !  Great personal and work Networking !

80% of SUCCESS is just showing up !  Watch your FS %.

Mayhem (in the AM)