Leg Lovers’ Liquidation Sale at The Glen

The gathering of men today had a palpable tension.  What did 'kickoff' mean in the #pb?  Would there be football today? Ultimate? What IS PLANNED they want to know…….#showtoknow.  #thestandard runners were Frosty, Contra, and Strutter.  Our deference also goes to those runners hitting a Niner over at Six Shoorter's.  They include Six, Loveshack, Chief, Nymph, Ruckers included Comet, Rentacop, and Finger Licking Good.  We began with The Pledge!  Lar asked us each to pick ONE WORD from the Pledge, and tell him 'why' it means the most to that individual PAX member.  Good stuff, good stuff.

Warm Ups IC: SSH 20, IST 15, CP'S 5, WM'S 10, Mericans10, MC's 15, Squats 10,  HillBilly's 15.

Partner up: 5×3.  Partner wheelbarrow 5 lines, Merican at each line, switch, do 3 sets.

Legs 3 sets of each: 15 Isolation jump squat (low, med, high) and Mason twists IC;  Three point hops/high knee stop overs, 15 of each; 15 R/L Single Leg side to side hop/dips;  15 R/L Ventral hops/CDD's IC;  Rock squats to L/F/R/15 Low Jump Squat Twists R/L

Upper Body: 15 IC each of Curls, Skull crushers (Senator counted), and Mil Presses (Dolittle counted).  Return rocks, bear crawl up both hills to parking lot.  

Mary:  100 LBC's (Lear counted) Recover, recover.  


-Lear's request to have each of us let him know which word meant the MOST in our Pledge was pretty special, well done!

-FNG is Michael Polito- is outta Pittsburgh, moved here in 2012, does hair, has two kids, and now and forever known as Soul Glo.  Welcome Sould Glo!

-Those 'high knee stepovers' needed to be defined!  SO, the parameter used was getting your heel OVER your ball sack.  Since ball sack height varies, so did the height of the stepover. (Cupcake wanted this in the #BB, for some reason)

-Lear (our WD) BLEW past 70 on his LBC count, and went to 100, ostensibly setting that as his target age!  'Pressive.

-Contra, at 40, is our WB, well done Contra!!

-Gents, thanks so much for the chance to lead.  Each of you will gain something when you lead, 'nuff said.