Good fun at the Estate

Warm ups 

Mosey around track stopping for exercises:

SSH, Pickers, IST's, windmills, merkins

The Thang:

Alternating Two exercise for 7 minutes.

10 Merkins

10 jump squats

Repeat for 7 minutes alternating


Run two laps. 1/2 mile.


Alternating 2 exercises for 7 minutes

10 curls with block

10 shoulder presses with block


Run two laps. 1/2 mile. – this time we spring the straightaways and walk the curves


Over to the football field


Burpee and mountain climber ladder


4 burpees

Run to other side

40 mountain climbers

Run back

6 burpees

Run back

35 mountain climbers

Increase by two burpees

Decrease mountain climbers by five

To 12 burpees

Down to 20 mountain climbers.

MOSEY over behind the school

Partner up

Partner 1 bear crawls around a short loop and partner 2 runs the loop to catch him, then flapjack and continue till a lap is complete

Rest with some Low Flutters

Burpee ladder!

1 burpee 

run to first bball goal and do 1 burpee

come back and do 1 burpee

run to second bball goal and do 2 burpees

ETC until the 4th goal and 4 burpees


Was going to recover, but one of the 2.0's said, can we do another loop around the track, so of course we obliged and the PAX were not happy.


  • Thanks to Turnpike for the opportunity to Q
  • Love the Saturday workout, i don't do it enough, glad these men push me to do so
  • 2nd F after at NY Bagel is great as well.  Look forward to more of these
  • Good push by the PAX and a couple of 2.0's that helped us push