CSAUP Planning and Pre-Ruck

Event Date

Mar 15, 2018


Honorable Mention – C#

Clipboard Q – Sonar

Slack, email and mentions… in short plenty of opportunities to join in on the fun. And then there were 3. Waited until 7:04 for any potential late arrivals but we could wait no more as there was work to be done and we lost 4 valuable minutes that were definitely needed in the end. There was a route change, mission and time hack all of which compounded the fun of the evening. 

Ziploc sends the details of the route to Hefty at which he snubs and says “I got this”. We march through the Denver shortcut. Rather uneventful traffic however we tread lightly ensuring we are looking out for crossing routes and ensuring no one pulls a C# (kamakazie) crossing the road. Across to the industrial park and persistent March to UNOX. Along the way like a hawk, Hefty spots an owl in a tree that not only blends in perfectly with surroundings but is also 50 yards away in the dusk. He spend 3-5 minutes pointing and trying to convince Spork and I of what he sees before we both relent and tell him we see it so that we can keep moving. Up Up and Up the roadway until cresting at UNOX where our mission became clear (thanks sonar). We arrive to a snazzy letter embellished with a F3 tag.

The Mustang Flag is to be retrieved, only the location is not disclosed only the means to retrieve. You must lunge walk or bear crawl until flag is retrieved. While we had no clue where it was we only hoped it wouldn’t be too far from reach. 150 yards out we spot our shovel flag with a new Old Glory perched atop around the back of the building having to navigate through a mud pit to retrieve her. Each of us opted for a mixture of lunge walks and bear crawls as muscles groups grew fatigued. Flag in hand we return to find a smirking Sonar knowing the pain he had inflicted upon us. Time check and we need to scoot back if we are to complete our mission and meet the time hack. 

The tail wind that was promised was now a cross wind and each took their turn carrying Old Glory back to the launch point. Along the way we encounter horn beeps, explicitive embellished proud American and curious glances. Making our way back along the route knowing we are cutting it close we double step (run) to the rendezvous point.  A friendly and curious civilian outside wants to know what the heck we are doing succumbs to the EH and joins us for the COT where Hefty prays us out. #BlessedHappening

Meandering inside the restaurant to more curious onlookers, we order our hop laden beverages and begin planning the April 13th AO to AO details. C# joins midway through to sprinkle in goodness and the plan is made. This is gonna be a good ‘un. 

Truly blessed to be with each and everyone of you guys including those that may join in the future. 


