Ruck Pace (no ruck)

Event Date

Mar 17, 2018

Ruck Games (March Madness)
Warm up:
Straight leg stretch
R over L and L over R Leg stretches 
Spread your legs stretch
Arm circles
20 side straddle hops IC
20 Imperial storm troopers IC
20 mountain climbers IC
Mosey to the benches in front of the school long way
10 Partner Merkins OYO
20 Dips OYO
10 Heavy Merkins OYO
Lounge walk lap around flag pole
Mosey to the bus parking lot
10 Partner Merkins OYO
20 Dips O
10 Heavy Merkins OYO
4 corners paper, rock, scissors
1. 10/20 squats
2. 10/20 side straddle hops
3. 10/20 merkins
4. 10/20 imperial storm troopers
Mosey to the rock pile and grab a rock
21’s rotate after every round right IC
10 squat presses IC rotate
10 curls IC rotate
10 skull crushers rotate 
10 chest press IC rotate
10 squat curls IC rotate
10 lateral presses IC rotate
Mosey to down under bar bring your rock
10 down unders
10 angel wing 
10 squats IC
10 copperhead squats IC
10 piston squats each leg IC
10 down unders
10 angel wing
Mosey to the baseball hill with your rock over your head and partner up.
Partner A lunge walk the hill
Partner B curls with rock
Partner A quads-I-feel-ya X2
Partner B Chest press with rock
Mosey back to the start
20 in and outs
20 Jane Fondas 
30 second Russian Twists
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:9
For those that do not know, I love basketball and this is my favorite time of the year. March madness: for each team it is “do or die”. Win and move on — lose and be done. The season is at stake with no second chances. Everyone gives it all they got because it could be their last game. One last game, one last half and one last shot.
Thankfully God does not work that way. God has given us all second chances, third, fourth, and so on by sending his son. 
My challenge to us all including myself is to remember, strive and try to live a more God like life. Do not let the madness of the world bring us down but let’s find hope, faith and forgiveness in times of madness. We are all not perfect but let us rejoice in the fact that we can forgive and be forgiven.
Pleasure to lead gentlemen!