Bracket Busted Frustration Cure

Event Date

Mar 19, 2018

10 PAX put up with Flo’s March Madness frustration. 


Warm up

Walking Toy soldier

Mosey to the top of parking lot. 

20 SSH

15 windmills 

10 cotton pickers 


With partner running opposite direction around parking island then when you meet up 5 burpees. Then repeat all the way down to bottom of parking lot. 


Run from the middle of parking lot to an end do 10 mericans then run back and do 5 mericans once you meet up with your partner. Then repeat to 100 total each. 


Repeat with squats and  partner high fives. Begin in middle run to end for 20 squats then run back to your partner for 5 high fives. Total 100 squats & 25 high fives. 


Repeat reps with Viking Skoll claps (also known as above head seal claps) and  Carolina dry docks. 

Begin in the middle again run to the end to 30 above head seal claps then run back to partner then 10 carolina dry dock.  Total skoll claps 150 & 50 CDD. 


rock time and circle up. 


20 Curls

20 skull crushers 

20 rock swings 

20 shoulder press 

5 burpees 


Repeat all three running with partner but audible to 50 mericans total each,  10 squats 3 rounds then 15 skoll claps 3 rounds. 


Repeat rock lifts. 


No Mary.  Ran out of time. 


Great job by everyone.