Join us: Advanced Early Shift – 5:15am Tuesdays at Davidson Town Green

Event Date

Mar 20, 2018

Six Pax met at the Davidson Town Green at 5:15am for the Tuesday AES.  After a quick warmup it was off to the Pullup Bars for:

4 sets of 12 pullups, 24 pushups, 24 squats, run to trailer and back.

3 sets of 1 minute Peoples Chair, 10 Squats IC and 10 Mary Katherines in cadence.

Then we went to DUMC for some pavers as follows:

5 paver burpees, run parking lot

10 press IC, 5 paver burpees,  un pkg lot

15 Curls IC, 10 press IC, 5 paver burpees, run pkg lot

20 SKs IC, 15 curls IC, 10 press IC, 5 paver burpees, run pkg lot

25 bench press IC, then run back to Green for 20 dips IC, 16 Bulgarian squats IC, 10 LBCs IC and 5 wall burpees.


Moleskin:  I know it is "you against you," but hard not to notice that Hulka led the way again today – youth and no extra weight to carry around are keys to his AES 1st F dominance!

Spanarkel can carry on a conversation thru anything…paver burpees, pullups, you name it… he's always keeping the AES mumblechatter live!

Prayers and concern were shared for many this morning facing illness in their family and hardships. Prayers also for BadaBing as we await any news. 

We encouraged each other to remember all three Fs!  In addition to coming to workouts, reach out to your fellow pax to connect and discuss what is on your mind, what's keeping you up at night!  Or just to check in with someone you have not seen around in a while.

Always great to lead the AES!