KB Double Trouble

Event Date

Mar 23, 2018

6 Pax braved the cool March Air this morning for Kettlebells, there was lots of sweat for how cold it was and with the heavy weights (two kettlebell action) it was a HUGE Gun Show!  Way to push each other this morning guys!


  • Arm Circles
  • Love Yourselfs
  • Jumping Jax – 20 IC
  • Mercan – 10 IC

The Thang:

Pick a partner and get two matching weight bells.

Q made a grab bag of exercises – Green cards are Double KB exercises and Pink ones are non-KB exercises.  PAX picked one of each to perform each round.

One Partner did the KB exercise with two kettlebells until other partner performing the non-KB exercise finished.

List of Exercises: Ones that arent crossed out are the ones we did.  Q had enough for 15 rounds and we made it through 12.

KB Exercise:

1.See-Saw Press

2.Plank Rows



5.Overhead carry

6.Back Lunge

7.Sots Press

8.Military Press

9.Outside swing

10.Double Lawn Mowers

11.Fly Press (lying down)

12.Dead Lift

13.Bottoms up Curls

14.Gorilla swing (alternate rack and swing arms)

15.Full Snatch

NON-KB Exercises:

1.Push Ups – 25

2.Mountain Climbers – 60 seconds

3.200 M Run

4.Box Jumps Bleachers x 3

5.Quadraphillia x 3 up small hill near landing

6.Crunches – 50

7.Plank – 30 seconds

8.Bear Crawl

9.Burpees – 15

10.Wall Sit – 60 seconds

11.Lunge out and back

12.Calf Raises x 20

13.Dips x 15

14.Russian Twist x 30

15.One leg squats on wall 10 each leg


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.
—Hebrews 13:8

The Bible says, “It is appointed unto men once to die,” and to the average person this seems a stark and hopeless situation. Hundreds of philosophies and scores of religions have been invented to circumvent the Word of God. Modern philosophers and psychologists are still trying to make it appear that there is some way out other than the path of Jesus. But people have tried them all, and none of them leads anywhere but down. Christ came to give us the answers to the three enduring problems of sin, sorrow, and death. It is Jesus Christ, and He alone, who is also enduring and unchanging, “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” All other things may change, but Christ remains unchangeable.