The Surprise in their eyes

Key to attracting pax to murph monday-dont let them know it is time to Murph. 

The Thang: When the murph was announced at 4:45 AM DonHo jumped, clicked his heels, and sprinted the 1.2 miles to the pullup bars to get started.  Other pax groaned and started a sad mosey toward the same bars DonHo was so excited about.  In all everyone did good work on the bars and with merkins and squats.  There was concern for keeping Jazzhands contained vocal as we were mere feet away from half the birkdale HOA board but he did great, adding enthusiasim and encouragement without waking anyone (as far as we know).  After a full 10 reps we headed back to birkdale starbucks.  By time Dingo and the 6 arrived DonHo was leading Mary which somehow inexplicibly ended with 10 burpies.  After that DonHo still didnt offer to buy anyone coffee but no grudges were held, all in the name of iron sharpening iron.

The Thang 2:  Inside we had a focus on marriage and relationships and reviewed the often quoted Ephesians 5:25.  We did read on through 30 but today we tried to stick with review how it was exactly that Christ loved the church and what does that mean for us and how we are called to love our wives.  Often we think about how Christ died for the church and we understand it means for us to put our spouse first but how in less extreme situations than life are death are we supposed to do that.  We read Luke 22:26-30 to see how Jesus describe how leaders should conduct themselves.  We talked about how Christ loved the church by sacrificing, encouraging, serving, and sharing not by condeming, criticizing, and demanding.  This is the example we have of how to love our wives.  Jazzhands also made an excellent point, we have to love ourselves first before we can truly love others.  We have to be right with ourselves, take care of ourselves, before we can truly give that to others.  For contect also review Phillipians 2:5-8

It was a great group today and I praise God for the work he does through this group and F3.  It was awesome having Code Blue get out extra early in the gloom for the first time at Berean and also credit to Jimmy O and Big M for getting there just for the beatdown as they had other early morning obligations.  Earl Grey, great having your for the 2nd & 3rd F, hopefully your foot is healing up and you can get back for 1st F soon too!