MacAulay come back

Event Date

Mar 29, 2018

Meet at front of church with KB


Warm up:


2 Laps around church starting with walking Toy Soldier to the first corner

10 SSH

10 WM

10 burpees 


Mosey with KB to cell tower 




Partner up


10 pull ups

20 muricans 

10 partner high fives

20 curls


Repeat 5 times


Mosey back to lower parking lot   


Partner 1 begins farmers walk with both KB each section of the parking lot KB walker does 10 Skol claps 

Partner 2 begins running suicides 


Every time a running partner returns to the beginning they must do 10 carolina dry docks 

The KB farmers walk continues to the end of parking lot and back and until entire parking lot suicide running finishes. 


Return to front of church 




20 WWII sit ups 

Low flutter Qbert counted

15 Pretzel crunch each side 

Quick run to end of parking lot and back

5 burpees 

10 mountain climbers by Tuck

26 sec of elbow plank by Vinegar Bend


-Great to see so many guys from MacAulay neighborhood showing support (maybe it was the call out the night before)

-Nice little surprise making the 2nd lap during the warmup (coming from someone who not a big runner)

-The beginning of the workout reminded us why we fear the Murph. 

-the Rucker’s got a good laugh as the passed by while we were giving high fives. 

-The partner KB farmers walk & suicide running probably not the best exercise with all the confusion. Should have explained it better. 

-great work by everyone!

-Flo is off til next mid week after turning 44 on Tuesday.  Time to put the toes in the water and my ass in the sand with a cold beer in my hand.