Mix the Cauldron with Basketball & Kettlebells & Serve

9 Men of F3 hopped out of the Fart Sack & said yes it is a Good Friday ! 

Mosey with Kettlebell, Basketball & Cones to other side of Torrence Creek Elem.

Cones placed at the 2 elbows / junctions of the foul line, then 2 down at the low block.

Circle Up.

Hoops with KB:

Each pax take turns shooting at each cone with 3 full cycles around keeping track of total made, YHC starts.

Remaining pax did the following:

Curls x 15 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Lawn Mowers x 15 each arm OYO, Mericans x 10 IC

Skull Crushers x 15 IC

Squat to Press x 15 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, LBCs x 20 IC

KB Swings x 20 OYO, Mericans x 10 IC, Rosalita x 20 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Low Flutter x 15 IC

Peter Parkers x 15 IC, Lawn Mowers x 20 each arm OYO

Goblet Squat x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC

Mtn Climbers x 15 IC

Curls x 15 IC, 5 Burpees OYO

For Sure missed a few exercise combos, but patterns were suffering this Good Friday !

Once all Pax have taken their 12 jump shots at Cones of Pain, the highest number made was Hall Monitor with 8 / 12 !  Impressive & should be rewarded, but instead 75% speed / Sprints next for 8 X.


Line up at very end of B-ball parking lot & 75% to Sprint as fast as you can about 120 yards to other end of lot for 8 Rounds.  Sucked really !

Mosey back to other side school for remaining MARY.


YHC – LBCs x 20 IC

Jimmy O – Box Cutter x 15 IC

Uncle Rico – Burpees for 1 min. (yikes)

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin – 

1 – Thanks to The Count for allowing me to Q at The Cauldron !  Always a challenge for YHC not growing up with KB under my arm.  Good power beatdowns !

2 – 5 for Standard with The Force leading the way around Novant hospital.  66, Jimmy O, The Count & YHC rounded off the group !

3 – Tried to mix in Basketball with KBs harder than I thought.  May need a better Wienke next time, but this structured chaos was still very effective, esp Sprints at end Smoked the chatter and energy out of the Pax.

4 – Uncle Rico is a BEAST !  Never looks tired & crushed the Sprints with 66 blasting each time behind him.

Great gloom this Good Friday !  Whatever higher power you believe, at least we can always support & believe in our F3 Brothers.  Fantastic !

Mayhem (in the AM)