OST/CLM 8k Preview

Event Date

Apr 03, 2018


YHC would have been fine with back to back fart sacks, but The Count used puppy dog eyes to talk me into a 5 mile ruck. The timing matched up with my registration for the Christina Latini Memorial 8k which led me to bright idea of previewing the course. The Count was agreeable and Little Finger is his sidekick so he had no choice but to tag along. #fakenews

I am concerned that the race will be officially over 1:15:00 after it begins on the 21st and my plan is to ruck it. So we struck out this morning with that on my mind. It must have helped as we managed to average a 15:20 pace despite some severe — if short — hills. The worst was on Glenside Street in Wynfield. I was wondering why the race coordinators were opting to do an out and back in Wynfield rather than a loop, but I have my answer. They obviously want participants to enjoy a steep hill.

On the last mile, we got to enjoy Chaddsley Drive again. Still looking for his biography on Wikipedia. He must be important if he has two roads in one neighborhood named after him (although I see now on Google Maps that it technically is one C-shaped road). During our ruck, one of the trio peeled off for a #codebrown. The offender shall rename nameless as will the location of the infraction (disclaimer: if Travolta has a dog, it’ll probably sniff it out).

On the way back up Stumptown hill we passed the Gladiator crew doing a ladder on Copperhead Hill. Travolta gave me a scare when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He made a joke about being scared of a 5′ 10″ guy, but I reminded him that that was HUGE for a coyote. It’s all about perspective. Speaking of perspective, when I saw they were doing a ladder with blastoff merkins at the top and burpees at the bottom, it made the 5-mile ruck seem like a good idea.

We wrapped up a little after 0600. As we were chatting, the Gladiator crew returned for MARY so we felt obliged to join them. I claimed I would only particpiate if there was a back blast. When I saw Travolta’s post-wrkout tweet tagged with both #f3counts and #bb, I knew I’d been had. So I opted to write this one instead. At least one of us will get credit for our flutter kicks and J-Lo.