21 Movie buffs posted this fine morning for a pre-rain tour of Birkdale.  The Thang:

Little mosey to a circle-up by the theatre.  Warm-o-Rama:
SSH x 100 (always a crowd pleaser
Downward dog to stretch the calves
Slow squat x 15
Cotton picker x 15
IST x 15
Slow ‘Merican x 10
Groiner x 10
Mosey to 1st ramp and grab a partner.  Partner wheel-barrow 1/2 way up, swap and finish.  Run around to the bottom.
Peoples chair, air press and BTTW
Round 2: crab walk solo all the way up; run back around and people’s chair again.
BTTW again.
Mosey to the next ramp and re-partner.
‘Merican to 100 total while partner runs around
Mosey to next ramp and re-partner.  Run backward up and run ramp down while adding up to 200 squats.
Mosey to Barre class- no peeking!  Burpee broad-jump to the little stop sign on the right.  Honestly I think we had a bunch of pax bail on this one.
Mosey back to COT for MARY:
1.  WWII @ 15
2.  Plank Jack (a la Skipper)
3.  The W (a la Moses)
4.  Pickle Pounder (a la Gnarly Goat)
5.  LBC (a la Jenny)
6.  Low flutter (a la Holiday)
7. Very, very slow ‘Merican
Recover X2
1.  Thanks for Skipper and Little Buddy posting from Highlands- always good to see the strayed OGs representing
2.  Several other Old Schoolers on hand this morning: Gnarly Goat, Metallica, Moses, Macbeth, Callahan, Hat Trick- btw, you guys are getting old!
3.  Several standard and ruckers rolled in as well this morning; it’s hard to double-down.  T-claps gents.
4.  Whomever owes Moses money better pay-up, lest your debt grow.  You know who you are.  Those bean-counters know how interest works!
5.  Fun times guys.  Thanks to Deep Dish for the opportunity.
Little Buddy not on the Pax options list.  He was present!