Rainforest Edition at The Mighty Jungle

Event Date

Apr 07, 2018

Was a wet and rainy morning at the Might Jungle, but that didn't stop 5 of Lake Norman's finest from showing up with YHC.

Hurly made a four legged honorable mention. 


Mosey around the parking lot, butt-kickers, and karaoke back to the music,

Circle up for sun gods (arm circles) forward and reverse, side straddle hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, Windmill, Toy Soldier (or Sailor), cherry pickers, (all x15 reps) and then a little stretching and off to mosey again!

The Thang

Mosey over the overhang passed the fountain at the church to a dry spot for a Superman Yellow Sun (arm circles forward) and Red Sun (arm circles backwards) and the Tie Fighter (deep lunge left leg with forward arm circles and deep lunge right leg with backward arm circles).  Then mosey over the steps for bunny hop up the steps times three.  Mosey over the drop off circle for bear crawl halfway up to the overhang.  Was looking for dry spots to work out, but it wasn't raining so… out the Mary Fountain for some dips, incline and decline merkins x10 each. 

Mosey down the hill toward Copperhead hill, Quadrafilia up the hill for 9x CDDs, run down the hill for 1x squat, and repeato counting down up the hill and up down the hill until we got to 5 and 5.  

Mosey back up the hill to the wall by the church, hop up on the wall, 5 squats, hop down, bear crawl across the driveway for 5 Merkins at the curb, run back to the wall and repeato twice.  

Toxic gave a 10 count, and actually started counting at 10 this time, which of course is out of the ordinary as he always starts from 9.  Almost started over but he just started counting faster to make up for it.  

Mosey over the wall by the school for peoples chair, air press, a little low flutter and then back up to run to the cinder blocks.

Everybody grab a Cindy and listen to some classic rock while we do (all x10) low curls, overhead press, high curl, skull crusher, chest press, take a lap around the parking lot then back for more full curl, overhead press, lawn mower, skull crusher, block swings, mason twist, and block assisted full sit ups.  Put the Cindy blocks away.


15x low flutter, touch them heels, dying cockroach, LBC's, and oh… look at that, time is up!


Great day for a workout!  The rain actually stayed at bay, mostly, with just a slight misting.  Toxic was the war baby and called most of the excercises before the Q, so I'll need to change it up again on my next Q.  On the last lap of the parking lot while Metallica and I mumble chattered, Toxic blew by us like Ikea going for Swedish meatballs!  (See last Wilderness backblast for info).  Metalica tried to persuade the Q to head for the pull up bars with two minutes to go, but YHC didn't take the bait.  Maybe next time for a full AO excursion.  Until the next time, see you in the Gloom!
