The Pax was angry that day, my friends. . .

The PAX was angry that day, my friends. . .like an old man trying to send soup back in a deli.

The most vocal, of course, was Titan, who came around the corner on two wheels at 5:30, completed the “sub-standard” by bypassing the first mosey, and kept up the grumblechatter throughout.

But he wasn’t the only conscientious objector to the workout shenanigans. I’m pretty sure that nobody did the Spider Jump the whole way (including me) and The Smerkins (one-arm side-plank push-ups) were none too popular, either. It’s like these people have never been to a Jersey Boy workout before!

(There’s no warm-up. It’s all just hard work.)

  • 40 Goose-Steps
  • 40 Girl Fights
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys
  • 30 Bear Squats
  • 60-Sec Crucifix Plank
  • 10 I-Hops
  • 30 Crab Toe Touches
  • 60-Sec Home Stretch
  • 30 Breakdancer
  • 30 Pirate Ship Ride
  • 30 Wall Climbers
  • Side Wall Planks
  • 20 Lean-Ins each arm
  • 120-Reps Armageddon
  • 20 Front Shoulder Raise
  • 60-Sec Card Table w/bell
  • 15 Smerkins each arm
  • 20 Karate Kids each leg
  • 60-Sec Finger Your Bells (Just the Tip)
  • 20 Little Baby Flutter Crunch Chest Presses
    • Jumping Spider (first and final appearance)
    • Dragon Walk
    • Bent-Over Rows
  • 25 Partner Bell Swaps
  • 20 Oblique V-Ups each side
  • 15 Roll-Ups (no-handers)
  • 20 Rocking Horses
  • 80 Halos (2-leg circle)
  • 20 Metronomes

The PAX’s favorite part of this workout:


Recover recover


Armageddon (recognizable exercises)


40 minutes of Mary




Listening to Titan complaining

Dr. Seuss


Little Finger:

“Fingering My Bell”

The Count:

Bailey (Omega’s dog)

Jimmy Olsen:

Pirate Ship Ride

Jersey Boy:

That nine guys who showed up even though I was the Q.

6:15 couldn't get here fast enough for this group, but we made it through together (well, mostly together–there was a lot of modification going on).

There seems to be this consensus that YHC can do some of these exercises strictly because of flexibility advantages. I'm raising the BS flag on that one because none of these exercises required contortionism–just core strength and focus. So just get on the Nugenix and stop your bellyachin'! (Just kidding about the Nugenix, actually–it's a scam.)

It's an honor as usual, gentlemen. Thanks for showing up!