(not in database so nonexistant to BlackBae:  Brown Bag, Mr. Bill, Heely)

7 men credited with Standard completion – convergance of 2 groups midway through which takes advanced Q calculus to acheive. 

*indicates exercises that may have been added specifically to hurt Auto in his flak jacket.

It has been a while since YHC Q'ed a non-running workout.  Master Q duties at Fireball have been a breeze with no planning other than "run how many miles Mort tells you to run" and no backblast other than "yep, we ran".  Had to incorporate a little running today, however, because my run season sparrow-chest has had limited work until the last 2-3 weeks.  Great to see a big turnout and several faces who I have not greeted while in run orbit, both new and old. 


Run around lot and circle up for



10 Non-GMO Fair Trade Soybean Pullers (don't want to get TRP passport revoked)

10 Windmills  

THANG – Curb Work

Rocky Balboa X25 IC

10 Ranger 'mericans on curb

20 Glute Bridges on curb (everyone complains about hips in run season, but everyone also makes fun of this exercise – good for runnin and humpin…DO IT)

REPEATO (with 10 'merican bonus)

THANG – Individual Medley

Curb to Curb (25 yards?)

Bear Crawl* (or just regular form of transit for Scrappy)

Crab Walk*

Lunge Walk

Bunny Hop


THANG – I have "Q legs" but "Q arms" are still emerging from run season

Partner 1: Run around lot  Partner 2: 10 Step Ups 10 Single Leg Stand Ups rinse repeat until partner returns

Flapjack, Repeato X3

Partner 1: Run around lot  Partner 2: Incline 'mericans until partner returns

Flapjack, Repeato X2

Not sure if Don Ho was truly struggling with math or just trying to steal my breath by having me repeat instructions 5 times.  Is he sneaky or stupid?

THANG – Mumble Chatter Volume Reduction Sequence

Partner 1: 10 Burpees*

Partner 2:  Peoples Chair

Flapjack Repeato X Infinity or untill I don't want to do burpees anymore (3-4 sets each depending on efficiency)

Back to the planters for 25 dips 10 incline merkin 15 dip interlude.  At this point Caboose caught his breath and started chirping again, followed by a host of others.  Isn't the train whistle supposed to go on the engine??


This is where I proclaimed crunches, situps, and the like to be STUPID, and that's my POV take it or leave it!  You want your core to be stable and strong to enable transfer of power between upper and lower body.  Why do exercises that wrench that core into unnatural positions?   Lego quickly jumped on the bandwagon and went through the roster of F3 MARY exercises declaring 90% to be STUPID. (whether he believed it or not he was right).  

1 minute high plank

30 sec right elbow side plank 

30 second left elbow side plank

1 minute elbow plank

Low Flutter X25 IC

1 minute High Plank

Low Flutter X25 IC

1 minute High Plank


Mighty Oak used to be a staple in my repertoire and will be again.  Always a cast of characters and a great beatdown.  It definitely hurt me today – remembering the value of a bootcamp workout –  and hope you got the same out of it. Thanks to Roadie and Swing State for giving me the opportunity to lead!