Upper…AND Lower Body

16 men beat the endless battle with their fartsacks and posted in the gloom for the following adventure:Mosey to home court for WarmoramaAlternated exercises that were standing and in the plank position (SSH, MTN Climbers, IST, Peter Parker, etc) until someone figured it out. Then we partnered up for the opening act:Partner 1 rock curls while partner 2 runs to the opposite curb for 20 dips. Flip flop. Repeato with 15 dips, then 10, then 5. There were attempts at resisting the upper body onslaught (Goat). So we wrapped that portion up and moseyed to the bottom of an extreme hill for the main event.Partner 1 bear crawls up the hill while partner 2 does 14 Squats and quadriphilia to catch up. Switch roles and keep on keeping on until you get to the top.That hill was too steep so we ran to the bottom of another hill to do more of the same except replace bear crawls with crab walks and squats with false starters (reverse lunge and touch the ground with both hands) until you reach the top.Reassemble to make our way back to home court via Indian Run and some good old Cacka-lacka-choo-choo.MARY- Travolta seems to think that blast off Mericans are an ab exercise so he led us in those. Someone mentioned Snake Eyes was present, but YHC was too worn out to do shoulder touch Mericans. Sorry to deny you your legacy brother. Than we did low flutters, Pretzyls, Superman and Bananas. A great Real American Hero serenade was enjoyed by the neighborhood.Comment below for MOLESKIN 😉