One is the loneliest number, but two…now That is Living

Event Date

Apr 14, 2018

Two men met in the darkness and ran together to the Rock. They ran by farms and cows and ponds. As they ran they talked and shared stories. They touched the Rock and the Rock stood firm. The continued running. Before they knew it they were back to where they started, the sun had risen, and they were surrounded by tons of men and children dressed in brightly colored shirts. A man approached them. He was tiny in stature, but huge in heart. "Welcome," he said, "to Scrappy's Wonderland." It was 5 years in the making, but oh was it worth it. It was a piece of heaven, tons of smaller beings hanging on his every word. Glorious. 

Thanks for showing up and chatting today Freedom, great to get to know you better and get a bit of exercise in.

Pretty awesome to catch some of F3 Dads at the end of the run this morning. Seeing the dads and kids interact and how much fun they were having together was a good reminder of the more important parts of F3. And if it was ever in doubt, Scrappy would be an amazing PE teacher, fully in his element this morning