Future Farmers of Mustang

Event Date

Apr 14, 2018

Warm Up

15 IC Merkins

15 IC Squats

15 IC Imperial Squat Walkers

15 IC Monkey Humpers


The Thang

Mosey to block pile, each PAX grab a block and head back to practice field. Partner up and place blocks at start line. Cones were placed every 10 yeards apart, eight of them. From the warm up, 200 of each exercise must be completed by each team. For example, 200 Merkins, 200 Squats, etc. etc. 

While one partner knocks out reps the other farmer carries both blocks to the first cone, then returns to partner. Partner two ends reps and grabs blocks and takes his turn with the farmer carry while the former PAX who carried picks up reps on one of the five items. Eventually, numerous trips, some long some short, have taken place and all will finish. 

Once 1000 reps were complete, YHC called regular suicides. While one is running the 80yd (8 cones) suicides the other knocks out LBCs'. Flapjack when complete. 

Return blocks and head back to LP for Mary

Mary (go round)

Some of the items called, but most likely missed something:

  • LBC
  • Flutter kicks
  • Shoulder Taps
  • ETK
  • Dr. W
  • Merkins
  • SSH
  • Single leg bridge r and l

2 Corinthians 4:8-9


  • Didn't pick up much chatter other than some requests to run
  • YHC tuned most, if anything out, and just focused on getting work done
  • Add anything via comments if you'd like